
I actually think Clarke is quite flawed. She's stubborn and occasionally reckless, and clearly still has issues with trust and abandonment. She's the protagonist, so yeah, she gets away with doing more things right than the rest of the cast, but I think she's just as flawed as the rest; just in different, less overt

You're more than welcome. Thanks for reading and sharing! That's what keeps this stuff going!

I gave it a 'B' because while I thought it was a great premiere, there was also a lot of place-setting for later episodes. Gotta leave some room for those higher grades later in the season, and I think they (the B+ and A grades) should be saved for those REALLY great episodes. Always hard to have a top-notch premiere

I do think we'll get a bit more for Lincoln in terms of character development. For now, we'll just have to be satisfied with the fact that he has killer abs.

Yeah, Octavia and Lincoln have such a strange relationship. I want to know more about why they connect. What's Lincoln's obsession with her? He saved her life in the first season, she fell for him, and then they ran off together. No real explanation as to why Lincoln wants to be with Octavia in particular. Octavia's

Having seen the first 3 episodes, I can assure you that it keeps the momentum going. Also, huge props for the Paul Heyman avatar. From here on out, please consider starting all of your comments with, "Ladies and Gentlemen."

Ha, well I appreciate you trying to give me a fresh start. I love this show much more than anything LDR has ever done, that's for sure.

Rest easy, folks. I am here, and equipped with weekly reviews. This show is amazing. No way I let it slide through the cracks.

Of course couples fight about money, but I really don't think I'm "reading too much into it" to suggest that this fight was particularly nasty. I get that Howard can be a man-child, and that Bernadette can be controlling, but there's a fine line between using those expectations and character tics for laughs that seem

Yes, thanks! We don't get screeners, so it's all in the moment. Thanks for the correction!

That should definitely be in there! Hence it coming after "Shoot." Guess I was too excited to get to writing about Wrestlemania XXX. Thanks for pointing it out! It's been changed.

You have no idea how much I want this.

That MITB ladder match was pure fire, even though Punk didn't even do much. Crowd only cared about him winning and it was great. Lots of great spots from all those guys who aren't even around the WWE anymore as well.

I was trying to keep the Essential list to recent-ish cards, and only had room for 5. I think that's the best way for a beginner to get into the current product anyways, by sampling what the WWE has been doing recently. Then they can dig into the great stuff from earlier eras, plus WCW and ECW. So much to love on the

I think we give Cena too much flack most of the time. The guy has been a part of some of the biggest matches of the past 10 years, and that's not all because guys were carrying him. And don't forget, there's a difference between what Cena can do and what he's booked to do. McMahon consistently books him as a

At least Corporate Kane is back - it's the only Kane I have some interest in, but I don't need him wrestling. Wyatt's been booked pretty strangely, but he's still a solid character who got a big feud with Cena and a solid win over Jericho. They need to do more to keep his momentum going. Cesaro is a weird case. Can

Yep! Sandow is primed to take over the vacant Santino role. He's legitimately hilarious. Just wait till he separates from the Miz and has a face turn. The crowd will pop. We focus so much on whether or not guys can be main eventers, we sometimes forget that we need those solid bit players too.

Punk's heel turn was great! Taking his straight edge philosophy and turning it up to 11, mixed with his uncanny in-ring ability; spectacular booking.

Yes! Charlotte-Bayley was the highlight of the night on a card filled with highlights.

Adam Rose needs to be a heel. He'll never get over enough with the WWE universe, but he could draw some serious heat as a smug heel.