
I actually think the post-Wrestlemania run has been pretty solid. Some good PPVs in there, plus the breakup of the Shield, the rise of Ambrose, and Cena-Lesnar feud. There have definitely be some problems with booking, but most of the lackluster direction can be attributed to the injuries and Punk leaving. I think,

Agreed, such blues riffs have been around for a long time, but considering the time line and the near-exact sound, I wouldn't be surprised if Jet punked it. I'm not suggesting the Stripes' version is some holy untouchable, but I think it's an interesting comparison to make. Hey, the Stripes are all about appropriation

All this mention of Jet and the White Stripes in the same article, yet no nod to the fact that Jet totally punked that riff from a Stripes song:…

I actually thought this was one of the better episodes this year. Consistently funny, if not a little outlandish at times. Kept two concise story lines, the 'Store/Pyramid' one being the more rewarding of the two. Stanley pulling pizza out of his Pyramid case just killed me.

Better to be critical than to allow for lazy writing and become a complacent robot in front of the television. I can excuse a lot of things in TV shows when the quality is top notch (all shows have continuity errors, plot holes, etc.), but this season of Dexter was brutally contrived, and I found all the holes in that

This. Just this.

Yes, it was stupid for Dex to be there because people knew he was supposed to be.