
I think you’re being way too cynical, which buries some of the valid points you raise. I don’t think it was flawless, it sank a little in the middle, but by and large it was a lot of fun and it was cool to see the conclusion of 11 years of work come together in the end. My main issue with the film is that at times it

The fact that he’s not on the merry-go-round of EPL coaches is exactly what makes him such an interesting proposition for United imo. He’s not that far removed from their locker room himself either, and I imagine he’s learned a lot under the tutelage of Alex Ferguson. For what it’s worth and as idealistic as it

“The next substitution did not occur for either team until the 69th minute”

I have literally tried to star this 100 times but Kinja is griefing me severely.  J'adore

+1 Skipper the Eyechild

Absolutely!  I like the idea of it playing as a sandbox playground.  I mean, one of the most fun aspects of playing it was actually trying to break it as well - a task that could often be pretty easily achieved.  But where the charm of it for me comes from is that no matter how broken it was, it was still fun to

I also actually have a real soft spot for Trespasser. Yes it was a clunky, patchwork mess that often confused more often than entertained with a control scheme that required contortionist levels of flexibility on the keyboard, but it tried something different with an established IP.

They sound like they're made for each other.  Both scumbags.  Pitchford can crash and burn for all I care after Colonial Marines, complete snake oil salesman.

Very fair (and true) points.  Appreciate the engagement!

Absolutely, and I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t understand what they were shooting for, but I still feel they could have headed off a lot of the heat they got had they been much more open about their plans from the off. Now, I get that perhaps this wasn’t a day one rollout so they didn’t want to show all

This is exactly my take as well. Towards the end of the PS2's lifespan, it was notable that the quality of product coming out on the console was lacking, to the point where I switched to Xbox and then bought a 360. The infamous Sony E3 presser was mind boggling to me, like the fwct that they fucked it up s badly was

Four of the top five all have similar patterns of writing and delivery...if people are actually using burner emails that really is a new level of tragic.

This was a fantastic read!  Would like to know more about your experience as well, did you enjoy it?  Will you go back?  My wife is now a hockey fan by proxy as I've dragged her along to a number of games, have to reciprocate with ballet this Christmas, haha.  As an aside anyone who has played the game is pretty much

Get well soon Drew, hope you're alright

The correct take.  His frothing support base will see to it that he is memorialized.  The notion that they won't or the belief that he is largely reviled, losing the popular vote or no - is part of the problem with contemporary US politics.  That belief leads to apathy.

Fuck yes, that’s the good shit.  Take a star

To be honest unless playing through with the aim of achieving low honour, there’s next to zero incentive to do these little side robberies as the bounty often outweighs the take. Another, similar opportunity is available in St. Denis, above the gun shop. I managed to get in quiet, hold up a card game without firing a

If you walk around the back of the pharmacy in the evening you may see a guy banging on the sealed door, that will trigger the tip for you.

Absolutely brilliant deep dive reportage.  Fantastic read, more like this please.

I'd certainly grant that as an accurate reading.  Genuinely hope this gets ungreyed, it's fantastic input and these are the conversations we need to be having surrounding the symbols and traditions we have.