Why are they all being chased by that one cop car?
Why are they all being chased by that one cop car?
I think the configuring tool is broken. When it calculates the price, it keeps adding in liability coverage for $1,000,000.
It’s very good.
Appease the fans upset about the snow by offering more time in the ball pit.
Same problem, smarter animal.
African or European?
As an Apple user, I’m gonna just get this off my chest by saying Fuck You, Apple.
Must be filming the next Fast and Furious there
Just another thing to add to the Wall of Weird...
As a person of Native decent it isn’t cultural appropriation at all, it is actually just a mistake and the name stuck. The settlers thought they were in India, and called the people they found Indians. Once they realized their mistake the name was already in place. It isn’t mean or degrading it is just a name. Stop…
Comment should have been:
Now that they see
Well, I’m a ‘professional imaginary spaceship pilot’, and I’m only racist against Thargoids. ┐(シ)┌
Not quite the other end zone but:
Eh, I just bought one this past weekend and drove it back from Portland to the bay area. Definitely big in the city / some suburbs, and felt wide in the snow covered fire trail I did some light off roading on. But overall on the road trip felt like a nice size. Even on the fire trail, if you let the paint go felt ok,…
Hey, watch it guy. We may be maple-suckin’ puck slappers, who apologize for every minor transgression, but we are not afraid to drop gloves and jersey anyone who insults our way of life. Now I’m off to Timmies to get a double-double before I head to the doctor and get my feelings checked for free.....