Kyle Bridges

Or so everyone thought

Yes but your expenses would also cost you 1/3 less at least 

Lamborghini door all the things

More like Nerdo Grey amirite 

If you love it put a wing on it 

May want to re-word the headline...

Huge fan of easy modes here. With four kids and a job that takes a good amount of my time - when I get to play something I enjoy making progress more quickly since I don’t get to play super often anymore.

Herzog Zwei and Strider or no sale 

Because this guy wishes he was the one who thought of it first

Wanted MK8 - Walmart now “out of stock” D:

Wanted MK8 - Walmart now “out of stock” D:

Mustang sales have been dropping the past few years - you sure this information is accurate?

Drive slow in the left lane

Counter point. Metroid Prime motion controls were implemented great.

Mustang envy. 

How do the exotic car mfgs get away with it then?

This may be the most important Jalopnik article/ad of the last five years. Don’t leave home without one. The more you know. 

This may be the most important Jalopnik article/ad of the last five years. Don’t leave home without one. The more

Those are 2020s. That’s the new truck. Not sure what you’re seeing. 

It has some similar styling yes but it’s completely new. All different body panels from the outgoing truck.