Kyle Bridges

That boom box jumping around kills any “soothing” properties for me

Curious to see how well EA got the flopping and falling physics down

It’s financially solvent because it’s propped up by NBA money.

Now playing

Recently declassified audio of a prototype “flying crowbar” going past overhead.

My 3 year old loves BOTW just as much and wants to play it CONSTANTLY.

You realize the whole point is to keep a person away from the conflict... right..?



Oh deer

The Escalade driver is a bigger idiot than you think. Watch it again. He sees what’s going on and hangs back and then suddenly guns it and tries to get past what’s going on instead of slowing down and drove himself right into the chaos.

I can

Yes and they are also expensive because hey someone has to cut those holes.

The train engineer shifting and wearing cowboy boots was hilarious

I am traveling back from the future to warn him...

That is so painful to watch


They are programmed perfectly

“We want another WWII COD!”

... what??

This is great