
I sat through all 27.5 hours of that movie, in German, with subtitles...

They let families with small children board first but I think that’s like stroller age children. (Are those called toddlers? I’m not sure.) But according to the article it sounds like mom arrived at the gate after boarding was already underway.

My vote too. #TeamSquare

When I was around 11 we took a Trailways bus to Grandma’s one Christmas. There weren’t enough seats for all 4 of us so my parents kept my little sister with them in the back of the bus and I sat all the way up front next to some old biker dude. Biker dude was a nice enough guy, he shared his nudie magazines with me

No shit, with Southwest it’s all about first come-first seated. I get she’s upset due to her brother’s passing but this isn’t the flight attendant’s problem it’s hers for not checking-in early.

This better make the damn slideshow :)

I wait one minute, maybe two, on a cold start. Then I drive gently until the temps come up. borrow from Rob Zombie Philip K. Dick, more human than a human.

During the Freezepocalypseᵀᴹ last February our gas range was the only thing keeping us from literally freezing to death. No, we weren’t using it to heat the house because that would be deadly but we were using it sporadically to boil water or make soup that we could consume to keep our core body temps up while the

Logically I agree with you but realistically it’s not that easy. Anyone who has been driving long enough has had several moments of inattentiveness while driving. It’s just human nature, we didn’t evolve to focus 100% of our attention on a task for minutes or hours at a time. I admit that I’ve had moments and I

I turned my motorcycle upsidedown one morning in the HOV lane and ruined everybody’s commute. Physically I was fine, my boots/gloves/jacket protected me, but my ego was pretty damn bruised. I know they say “when” you go down not “if” but when it happened to me it still shook me up.

At least in this case it appears to be a case of inattentive driving versus reckless harassment of the riders but still tragic. Both of these are too close to home for me (literally, both are within an hour of my house) and give me the creeps. I’ve gotten to where I only ride on hike/bike trails now and avoid the

My first thought was to wonder whether this was coming or going because the poor thing has a swingarm at both ends!

I agree, promises were made!

Well, absolutely bring back all the things, but I was thinking of all variations and kits built on the original Bug platform.

It absolutely shouldn’t stop! At least not until China has also made modern concepts based on the Bradley GT and Brubaker Box.

I wish those came in cargo.

Sometimes it’s better to just let go.

There it is!

Some people don’t get it. I’m waiting for a full article written entirely in German. Imagine the comments on that!