which appears to be breaking in about a foot of water and two feet from shore with no swell in the background
which appears to be breaking in about a foot of water and two feet from shore with no swell in the background
Hey, shopping the local pawn shops for your own stolen T-tops is part of the charm!
Call me crazy, but I don’t want a camera equipped IoT device in my shower.
Call me crazy, but I don’t want a camera equipped IoT device in my shower.
I’ve thought about it, I still want T-tops.
I haven’t tried sitting in my BRZ and an ND Miata back to back to compare, but they’re about the same. While sitting in the driver seat of my BRZ with the door open I can easily reach the ground with my fingertips.
This car doesn’t need a sunroof.
I don’t know about all Toyobarus but my ‘18 has an adjustable seat. I cranked that down to the floor the day after I bought it and it’s plenty low enough.
I’m not disappointed about the lack of turbo, fixing the torque dip seems to alleviate much of the power issues. I’m more upset with the lack of a rear hatchback and some T-tops.
You might have trouble shutting the hood.
In this crazy market my 2018 BRZ’s worth is back up to what I paid for it 2 years ago so I’m tempted...
I was going to post this too. Awesome video.
Based on this and other articles about the same story it was multiple violations, not a single mistake from one employee.
Maybe he was looking for the Holy Grail?
This doesn’t sound like “making a mistake”, the fact that they were registering vehicles out of state as a workaround suggests they were knowingly skirting NC law.
I’m sure they’ll lose some profits during the 180 days, but am I the only one who feels this “punishment” is a little light?
There was that brief window in June when we all got our hopes up. My mom’s hospital closed down their covid wing and things were going back to normal, then the deltas came and now they’re back to running back and forth nonstop for their entire 12+ hour shift intubating patients. Fwiw, absolutely all of their covid…
Somehow I doubt Mitz can claim the P is for perfection, at least not anymore.
I must be in that .5%, multiple times.
My car didn’t have a clip to release them. Instead there was a rubber cover you could pull back to get at the allen screw to disconnect them. Mitz thoughtfully included the correct sized allen wrench in the glovebox for just such an emergency. There were also 2 seatbelt release levers in the center console but we were…
For longer flights I would totally pick this option.