
It also sets off bells if the car is moving and it detects weight but the seatbelt isn’t buckled. After retirement my dad started driving back and forth across the country with his dog. The dog weighs enough to set off the sensor but because he never buckles his seatbelts it would set the bell off. My dad tried

For once I agree with all of the suggestions on a WCSIB post but I have to say Tom wins this one. Already in the Subaru family, looking for a wedge, the obvious answer is SVX.

I had a friend who always refused to buckle the lapbelt when he rode in my car so I didn’t slow down for the next RxR crossing. After that he always buckled the lapbelt.

It feels like the Prius held the hybrid crazy for more than 5 years. In the early days they couldn’t sell the hybrid sedans and crossovers because they didn’t stand out like the Prius did. Some people really want to signal that they’re part of the solutionnnn and not part of the prolemmmm from a distance.

I agree, but for a while there they were the 2 most popular smallish 4door mainstream BEVs to cross shop.

Never, not once, and I had them in cars I owned from 1987 to 2001. All of my cars that had them were Mitsubishi though, perhaps they just had better mousetrack technology than the other manufacturers.

This is why most of my money is in index funds, except for that little bit I put into TSLA several years back.

I think so. All of the EVs made by the major manufacturers don’t seem to stir up the same amount of excitement as the Tesla EVs. On paper the Bolt (or is it Volt? Whichever one is the BEV) should compete with the Model 3 but in reality one feels more futuristic and drives more demand. The Taycan seems to give the

My vote is for automatic seatbelts. I know they were borderline mainstream in the 80s-90s but have disappeared since then. For some reason everybody hates them but I had 3 cars with them and always thought they were rad and wish my current car had them.

I think I’ll stick to sailboats. Sure, your camping is restricted to lakes and oceans and tropical lagoons but the fuel bill is a lot lower. I’m going to guess the maintenance is about the same.

Horrible I tell you!” he cried, tears building up in his eyes.

The Heli-Home was basically a Class-A RV packaged into a helicopter.

When I was almost 15yo my dad totaled his car. He bought it for salvage and put it in my mom’s garage and told me he would buy the parts and if I could fix it up by 16 I could have it. My friends and I spent the next year under that car pulling off anything that looked bent or broken and replacing them with whatever

Ah, a bear’s natural habitat.

Yeah I see that. Remember when Kinja mostly worked? I mean, it was never perfect but it got kind of close for a while there.

We were in Alberta some years back and kept commenting on how polite the drivers were. Like, when you signal they actually back off and give you space to move over *while shouting “Oh sorry eh!” out the window. In Houston if you signal that tells the other drivers to check up and close you off.

*That bit might be

Houstonians are super aggressive and territorial

I haven’t quite had the chance to drive in every state but I’ve driven in more than half and shitty drivers are everywhere. For the U.S. I’d probably say FL has the worst due to the mix of tourists and elderly drivers.

In that screenshot there, that’s not a 1969 Beetle. Looks like a ‘62. And I’m also pretty sure that’s not what the route from Pittsburgh to Atlantic City looks like...