
If having a reality tv show, scamming lots of people, and running several of your own businesses into the ground qualifies one to run the country, then apparently so.

For real! I’m also pretty sure I would not even be allowed to participate in 1920's politics, so, there’s that.

So a brief stint at a law firm qualifies him to interpret and apply the Constitution to law?

Dark skinned and woman of color are not interchangeable. Words mean things, and while a dark skinned woman is probably a woman of color, a woman of color is not necessarily dark skinned. And neither of the women you mentioned are really dark skinned at all.

As an old person I’m more than a touch offended you’re all acting like we have all had head injures. We are old not stupid. I’m suspect I’m old enough to be a parent to most of the people commenting here. Maybe if your stopped patronising the old people in your life and talked with not at the old people in your life

To Donald:

Megan, it’s not about her level of offense. It’s about the fact that she’s tacitly approving a derogatory term aimed at Asians.

It’s more of a safety issue- not to have other people do things for you. It’s the same reason people should give seats up to the elderly. You try bouncing around with a 25 lb weight on your chest while holding onto a bar with one hand. It’s actually worse when you have a stroller, because you are then bouncing around

My “baby” may be fucking 3 damn years old, but he has cerebral palsy and can't walk, so yes, he goes everywhere in a stroller. Don't make assumptions about people when you don't know their circumstances. Microaggressions abound, indeed.

Wait..what? I can’t even comprehend what that must have entailed. Please tell me you punched him.

Sir, were you erring something revealing that allowed you to be stabbed? Was it not too much for you to have been wearing some sort of tactical Kevlar undergarment? Do you take no responsibility, sir?

The FLDS frequently “marries” off underage girls to community patriarchs. The one practice goes hand-in-hand with the other in this context.

Give me a C

Or how about the feigned ignorance to get out of anything? “How do I make spaghetti? So I put the water in the pot? How much? What is ‘boiling?’” I’ve found myself yelling “I REFUSE TO BELIEVE YOU ARE THIS INCOMPETENT” to soooo many men (my father, brother, husband, some random co-workers, etc.)


You know what gets me? This was the first thing I thought of: how Ono seems to be throwing a little shade Sean’s way, take that Sean, etc. And then I realized—

Absolutely negative points taking off your wig. This needs to be an online thing.

Yay for Ru! The Emmy is definitely deserved; Drag Race is consistently one of the best reality shows.

It is probably frustrating to have your opinion on something with a gender/racial/sexual/etc. aspect discounted because of you are male/white/straight/whatever.