Thanks ;)
Thanks ;)
Here's the other thing. If you are told all you life that only stories about people that look like you are worth telling then isn't a little easier to think on some level that everyone else must be less? Diversity is always positioned as good for minorities. It would be great if it was seen as good for everyone.
Yes she will. I look forward to it.
Word! I keep seeing comments about how Hollywood is money driven. Minorities just need to spend money on different things to show we care. I think the answer is actually the opposite. Studies have shown that minorities as a group spend more money on movies than non minorities. The answer is to stop. Stop giving our…
Why did they even bother? We don’t care is technically a valid answer. It would show them to be myopic privileged douches but, they’ll survive that. I typed up a bunch of stuff about how diversity is not difficult if you try and representation matters but then I ended up back at *Heavy sigh*
I was one of 6 black kids in a small Catholic school for 5 years. The other kids were related (Catholic school). As an adult I realize how lucky I was to have a safe place like my home to go back to at the end of the day. Having people that could teach me to negotiate the world as a POC was invaluable. I now have a…
I feel this picture on a cellular level.
You keep talking about his surgeries being to obscure his blackness as though it were fact. That is not a call you have enough information to make. He got a nose job. So did each and every other member of his family. Hating your nose is not equivalent to Hating your race. According to him he had treatments to even his…
What kills me is that 98% of the time the men who do this are fully aware of the effect of their creepy behavior. I definitely think this man was. The women's discomfort is half the fun for them. So for him to say if I offended anyone....... Fuck that guy with a cactus! I tell my tween daughter on the regular that if…
Most African American surnames are the names of their former owners. They went with what was familiar. Is hardly call that a choice to be proud of.
Awwwww! You tried it.