
I don’t think he was trying to block anybody. I think he noticed the biker in left lane coming at a high rate of speed and got fixated trying to avoid him by switching back to the right lane. Then he failed to notice the other bike coming up even faster and inadvertently blocked him. Obviously this is just

I think the authors original assessment could be what happened. If I’m changing lanes and a bike comes up fast tehn I will go back to my original lane. The problem is he might not have seen the guy passing on his right because he was focused on the guy in the left lane. Sorry but the bike that passed on the right is

intentionally engages others

I’m not sure this company understands how coasters work...

I don’t even know how to address this. Your little bubble world is fascinating.

“one the best new production drivers car money can buy. Weight does not matter.”

Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”

If it’s subsidized, is it really cheap at all? Plenty of “free” subsidized phones, so I don’t see how a $4 subsidized phone is noteworthy.

Have you ever heard of science?

Sell your computer.

10 worked perfectly for me every time. Also, I’m jailbroken and have had no issues whatsoever.

Wow, you own am 80’s BMW, you must be really special. I now understand your post.