
Novak, you dumbass.

This is exactly right. This is what Kurzweil is talking about.

Normally I’m with you Matt. But I think comparing turn of the century newspapers to Facebook live streams is a bit… Not on point.

Let’s put aside the semantics- the examples he used were wrong but the thesis is correct. The world is a better place now than in the past. Humans are less likely to die from violence, starvation etc then at any other time...

“Ford wants to use tequila to make you cars . . . not actual tequila, but something loosely related to tequila.”

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

This wasn't speeding. If he was doing 80 on the LIE at 2AM, I'd agree with you. This was recklessly weaving through traffic, making multiple illegal and dangerous lane changes, and putting the lives of dozens of others at risk. I'm entirely in favor of felony charges for drivers who injure or kill cyclists and

In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?

Every time someone posts a street racing video to one of my FB groups, I forward the video link to their local police department.

What about the brave heroes that stopped to kick the rocks and gravel out of the road the camaro threw there. They’re doing gods work and saving the public from rock chips and cracked windshields. They’re the real stars of this video.

Because Ferrari and Lamborghini have awesome fit and finish as well. Because people buy these cars for their fit and finish. Because that’s why the Japanese marquees dominate the $100k luxury range.

Well you should be happy; they’re as ugly as a PC.

But the only way you get an economy that imbalanced with a decent-sized country like Venezuela is through a totalitarian state.

Considering the near collapse of oil sand and shale oil boom towns over the last year and a half, the oil is hurting anyone with a deep reliance on it.

The post title is correct, regardless of your personal feelings on the issue.

Heavily dependent on just one resource or product? Like which ones?

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It's the oil stupid.


Steve Holt!

But it doesn’t look like that.