
He was probably not even doing the speed limit, I bet he was going 55-60mph in a 65mph zone. You are trying to find every excuse you can to blame the biker when he didn’t nothing wrong.

I am in the Software Industry and am the lead engineer on a project working with extremely sensitive customer information in mass quantities(500 million+ documents) for a major health care company.

When I was looking for a Corvette Grand Sport, C63AMG, and BMW M3 I got completely ignored by all sales people at 2 Chevy dealerships, 2 Mercedes dealerships, and a BMW dealership. Now to be fair I am 19 years old, but I paid cash for my last car(a 2015 VW Passat, not fancy I know) and could easily afford to leave

It’s tech.

You must not know about tech companies, my friend required a $5,000 espresso machine as a perk to be hired. I also have friends that require extremely outlandish things that you would never expect a company to do in order for them to sign on with the company.

San Francisco housing costs now exceed NYC I believe.

Step 1: find a family member who owns a ford dealership


No way

550, enough to have a lot of fun with but not too much to be a hassle

I think you mean if Democrats actually voted. The Republicans seem to like him and they usually vote no matter who is running.

That does look super boring, i’ve been to NJ and it wasnt that bad but I wouldnt live there

Now that's not true

Tavarish always has the shittiest opinions on these videos. He always tries to add cars to the equation that either weren’t being asked about, or don’t compete with what they are being compared to.


I have never done any drug and driven what the fuck is wrong with all of you?

I dont fly enough to make that worth it, i’m assuming it has some fee attached to it, all i’m saying is for the few times i decide between flying and going on this ill go on the bus, just makes things easier.

I’d rather sleep and arrive at my destination in the morning. It’s not worth the hassle to get on the Bart, go through security, check in bags, and deal with all the people when i can hop on a bus and go to sleep and wakeup at my destination.

As someone in the tech crowd we are interested in this no one wants the hassle of flying, its not the cost we are thinking about.

Head on collisions are more common for deaths, not the most common accident but the most common death so there should be the biggest strides to reduce the number of deaths by head on collision. Not too big of a point to improve rear end performance when say only <1 % die from a rear end collision when say 15% die from