
Agreed. This opening song is an awful choice. Within Leonard Cohen's discography, there were *way* better songs to be used.

Colbert and Stewart the same year… Wow. This is rough.

I still don't get why Coulson had to *carve*. The former agent who gets murdered at the beginning of the episode was *painting* the symbols. It just doesn't make any sense at all to carve all this crap except that it looks cool on camera. Replacing walls on a daily basis sounds like a completely stupid expense for

"This is the exciting future of moviegoing" - not sure I see exactly how this is different from receiving a batch of movie reels with just "Guardians" written on them.

Agent Headbutted McHitleryouth

Hey, now that they figured out nobody loves the show, they can hardly give lower grades than what that trainwreck of an episode "FZZT" got.

"Things got really unwieldy with all the cross-over craziness culminating in the whole Siege and Fear stories (and, man, was that Fear story just terrible)"

This was not only the best episode of the season (which is a trainwreck), it was the best episode in years.

Hell, they have SHIELD mugs, SHIELD pool tables and even SHIELD bathrobes. I'd be damned if they don't have a SHIELD wiki !