I can't justify having sawhorses that are better constructed than pretty much anything else I own.
I can't justify having sawhorses that are better constructed than pretty much anything else I own.
I did my floor three years ago and it still looks pretty good. There is one place where it started to peel, but the area is very small. It is right over where are very, very bad oil stain was that had been there for 50 years.
I put down epoxy in my garage aobut 3 years ago, and my uncle did his around the same time. I can confirm, that the key to this is prep, prep, PREP. I was obsessive about it. Scrapped everything I could. Pressure wash. Simple green and other degreaser. Pressure wash. Tri-sodium phosphate solution. pressure…
If you still aren't sure what your passion is, hit the link to see Steven's full list of questions to ask yourself and figure it out. Remember: this doesn't mean you have to do your passion for a living. Just that you need to make it a priority for your mental well-being.
4. Smack the cage you keep your imagination in and tell it to keep quiet!
It depends. There are many, many types of reits. There are mortgage reits (which buy up paper that pays interest) and equity reits (which own properties/have mortgages themselves). Mortgage reits payout depends on the rate of paper and their ability to resecuritize/recollateralize debt for capital gain (the…
The Alien voucher on greenmangaming is ALIENI-SOLATI-ON25PC not ALIENI-SOLATI-ONPC25
Maybe eventually, when they get more participating locations. For now, TapHunter has many more locations and local craft brew is well represented. At least in San Diego.
Frustrating that you're required to create an account in order to view anything.
Terrible advice.
It was crazy because, the day before closing they say "bring a cashiers check for x" Where I live, taxes are due every 6 months (1/1 and 7/1) and since we bought our house 12/31 I was like "ug, we're going to have to pay 6 months taxes tomorrow in addition to all the closing costs and pre-paids." Well, when we got to…
chainmail scrubber works well too...
We don't really know what paleolithic people actually ate. My paleo-anthropologist friends are perpetually annoyed at these claims that this particular diet has anything to do with what "cavemen" ate because that entire field of research is full of a whole lot of uncertainty.
That's an issue I have with paleo, or at least how the paleo diet is being practiced by most people. If you look at what the paleo gurus say, they seem to advocate pretty modest amounts of meat, with a larger proportion of plant-based foods. Then you look at the message boards and see people cooking up a pound of…
I had a problem with a roommate going through everything in my bedroom while I was at work, she denied it up and down when I asked her if she'd been going through my room. So I figured I was either paranoid and crazy or she was lying through her teeth. So I set up a web cam and used iSpy for Windows. It worked…