
Fuck ESPN in general.

Romo just broke a vertebrae thinking about leading a comeback.

We just shoot me here in Murica’

What did you expect? Hes Dick Fucking Cheney, evil incarnate and the closet thing to a Bond villain still alive.

I heard the Secretary of the navy on Dan Patrick state that Kapernick exercising his right is why he goes to work every day. Yet, Jimbo would rather shoot him for disrespectin’ his Murica’.

You forgot corruption and stealing. It goes volatility, corruption, then stealing. The 3 pillars of Wall Street.

Why are NFL dickheads still even testing for it? Let adults make adult decisions.

You would have to pay me to go to an NFL game. The “shield” is like an idiot magnet.

I wonder if Ted uses a Velveeta log like a flesh light.....