
That sucks. Our district is incredibly tight with the photo release stuff. There have been instances when I’ve had to sign a separate release for specific programs or events when a third party was involved. I’m suddenly grateful for the constant requests for my signature.

Even if there is a photo release on file, it’s only applicable to school related stuff - newsletters, marketing materials, etc. It doesn’t apply to publicity photos for a presidential candidate.

My preschoolers aware all about dead things and killing things. It’s really creepy and bizarre and I hope they grow out of it soon.

Being in the same space as kids on a field trip, fine. Interacting with them, getting close to the line but still mostly fine. Using them as props and allowing press and publicity photos without written consent from the parents? That crosses so many lines and is not ok in any way.

When my daughter was 3, we drove by a Panda Express and she yelled out, “China! Mama, it’s China!”

Thanks for the info! I’ll try it. I’m in west Seattle so that’s a bit of a drive for me as well, but the kids like visiting the troll so...

I’ve lived in Seattle for almost 2 years and have no idea where to get a bagel and lox. Our a bagel by itself. Absolutely no clue. I’m from a flyover state, so I’d even settle for just marginally better than grocery store. I think there’s an Einstein’s near my husband’s office, but I can’t find one of those within

My husband has been reading Harry potter to our 7 yr old and she loves them. She cheers and gets angry or nervous or whatever. It’s awesome. They’re on the third book now. Our 5 yr old twins listened to the first one but lost interest early in the second. I think the illustrated version would have been better for them.

I forgot I had that book in my to-read list. thanks for the reminder!

Yes! I would watch that. And then I’d make my daughters watch it. Now I’m wondering if 7 is too young to read the books? Probably. Bummer.

Everybody always just assumes Emily is Anne with black hair. She’s not. She’s cooler. I love Anne, too, but Emily is special.

Apparently I am woke, but I’m still a little unclear on the meaning.

It seems like academy award winners are based more on whose “turn” it is than on the performances that year. There’s not even any suspense any more. I just can’t even care about it at this point.

This is brilliant. But too many complete sentences to be quite perfect.

She is disgustingly corrupt. But we can.not. have conservative supreme court nominees for the next 4 to 8 years. They will be in office for decades and will have more influence in policy than any individual president. We need someone who is not in the pocket of the religious right making those nominations.

This is only tangentially related to what you said, but have you seen this series from a guy who watches the Harry Potter movies for the first time when he’s 30 then blogs about it? Super fantastic reading.…

Um. wiki Stix do get caught in hair. I have no idea how my daughter managed it and getting them out wasn’t nearly the nightmares these balls seem to be, but just saying.

Thanks! The thing about it is, everything else I’m cooking for Thursday is lovingly planned. I have a fucking spreadsheet for it. I have tried and true recipes/processes for the turkey, potatoes and pecan pie. For everything else I looked at recipes all over the internet before deciding what we’d eat. It’s ridiculous

I think the main reason I didn’t like sweet potatoes as a kid was because the only time I had them was at Thanksgiving with a bunch of marshmallows on top. They were also canned. So, yeah. Now I love sweet potatoes. Making twice baked for Thursday. Mmmmmmm.

Am I the only one who needs some recipes here? I grew up with can shaped cranberries. I put my 7 yr old in charge of the cranberry sauce this year because I just don’t care that much. She’s making it from fresh cranberries - I just thought sugar and water and that’s that. But orange juice/zest? Cinnamon sticks? Grand