
Red Bull with two white bulls is kind of funny.

@MrCheatachu: I don't think red text would have enough contrast with shiny aluminium.

@lolwuut: @JacobSMoore: How dare you not go at 50 MPH! You stupid cyclist! We're really in a hurry here! All episodes of Desperate Housewives are on sale at Walmart!

What I personally like to do is throw a strip of C4 at a car that's stuck in a traffic jam.

@Spoondizzle: But why would I want to assemble a guitar if guitar companies do it so much better for like 10 bucks more? :)

Who wants to bet that electric guitar kit sounds really, really shitty?

Fuck! They placed a bouncy castle there so now I can't jump anymore!

@Dish: Same shit on the radio for 30 years. That, and other things.

boom boom boom FANCY COMPUTER EFFECT boom boom boom

@John44: Very well said. I'm not a movie expert of any kind, but I know when I see a bad movie.

@pjc: Those people are all drooling because of nostalgia.

@im2fools: Now I have to go see it ASAP.

@FooFighting: The 6th one sucked though. Still gotta go see the last one so no spoilers here please!

Just like every movie ever hyped up by Giz as far as I can remember.

Number 5: "Milk was a bad idea!"

@stre: I can't look apart. I really can't for some reason.