How dare the government interfere with a company who’s biggest customer is the government, and works in a field that’s been held afloat by a century of tax-payer funding!
How dare the government interfere with a company who’s biggest customer is the government, and works in a field that’s been held afloat by a century of tax-payer funding!
I love that the answer is never ‘That’s false, we didn’t do those things!’ and is always ‘So what if we did? You have no jurisdiction!’
You know why there have been about 1000 Tesla crashes with Autopilot engaged? BECAUSE THEY CAN’T FUCKING DRIVE THEMSELVES WITHOUT HUMAN INTERACTION. I don’t have enough fingers to count the amount of times I’ve seen Tesla drivers doing dumb shit while the car is in Autopilot. Probably the worst I’ve seen is some guy…
CA doesn’t need any more gated, billionaire’s only clubs and that is all this would be. If these rich folk want to be away from the rest of us so much, go develop on a dead off shore oil rig. We got plenty of those!
Apparently, IBM was okay with their ads being placed next to neo-nazi and influencers peddling racism, sexism and all sorts of despicable conspiracy theories. It’s only when Musk went into the deep end on antisemitism that they said “Wait we can’t have that. Let’s pull our ads.” All these companies that were…
I’ve said it before - he’s pulling a full “Henry Ford in his fifties”, aging into a reactionary, anti-semitic crank. Only instead of a pet newspaper he has a social media site.
It was terrrrrribllllllle. The ‘90s miniseries wasn’t bad at all, its only limitations were imposed by its being on network TV. Great opening montage, great cast. (Frankly all of that can also be said of the original ‘90s It.)
The sign is ugly, and that’s not just me being an Elon hater. It looks like it was cobbled together using scrap metal and building materials they had laying around the building. And to make matters worse, there are aerial photos of the thing sitting on the roof, and it’s being held down with sand bags. I can see why…
The story of the Titanic is often portrayed as being a parable of Man’s hubris and how they arrogantly declared that the ship was unsinkable doomed it.
Uh, carbon fiber submarine hull??? Wtf.
I don’t know why you threw in ADHD/Autism even as a joke, because it makes no sense and just perpetuates a false dichotomy and builds unnecessary stigmas. This guy is no different from every c-suit, company executive, CEO, or investor. They are driven by greed, and in this guy’s case to be admired.
If you want to slap…
The right has a love affair with unfuckable male faces. The dumber the better. Trump, DeSantis, Graham ... I mean, Mitch Mcconnell is the very definition of nightmare fuel.
The claim that remote work is “morally wrong” is like everything Musk says: not thought through, not well-reasoned, but delivered with lots of confidence.
Says someone who didn’t pay his office rent.
Says a guy looking for hard hitting news on a goofy blog with top 10 listicles pinned.
He was elected President in 2016.
Just imagine you’re one of the richest people on Earth with the resources to do so much good, but, instead of doing anything of the sort, you go through the process of having a letter on a sign painted white so that it could make you and five other people chuckle for a second.
Longtime Musk watchers are well-aware that the tech billionaire, one of the richest people on Earth, has the humor of a small child.
There will be another pandemic. It’s not a matter of if but when. Despite all of our practice, this country is going to do so much worse the next time. It’s shameful, and I hope the aliens won’t lump me in with the dinguses.