
These bills are written by ALEC, aka: the Kochs.

Usually it is the poor who suffer the most, but in the Florida building collapse it was those with sea-view apartments whose homes were destroyed.

Luckily, the wealthy .1% are currently buying up most of the houses in the US. So the millions of wealthy Florida beach dwellers will have somewhere to go.

Weather Service says it’ll get up to 105° Saturday, 108 this Sunday in Portland OR. And me without A/C. I’m putting insulation over my windows. I’ll have to just pray we don’t have an electrical outage and lose use of our fans. Bummer. I moved here to get away from excessive heat. Nowadays even above the Arctic

Ceiling fans and attic fans, and whole house fans, can make a huge difference. Now, if the outside temps are 3-digits, one should have some A/C (tho I don’t), but we should utilize other methods of cooling off, too.

Get a ceiling fan. 78° is NOT hot.

I won’t have any “smart” stuff in my home if I can help it. Imagine my dismay when I discovered my refrigerator (Samsung) was a smart refrig. Jezuz. And the tv (I don’t recall the brand). Creeps me out.

Plain old ceiling fans, yes, even the 3 bladed ones (lighter & cooler, use less energy, work just as well as fancy-schmancy 5 bladed fans), can cool a room in the 80s by 5° to 8°, and feel very nice.

Yes, indeed. I must say. Really! Oh, come on now!

Suddenly I think a lot of wind-farms, solar farms, and home/business solar collectors are going to be installed. Human beings hate planning ahead, they have to wait for a crisis to strike. Well, The Crisis Has Now Officially Struck.

Just reminded me I need to clean off my laptop. I use alcohol wipes. They were hard to come by last year, so I make my own with a spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol (76%) & soft paper towels.

Yes, most people in jail for committing crimes can’t work at their civilian jobs.

He wants to be a star at the show, giving autographs, selling souvenirs.

Is this guy vaccinated? Will he wear a face mask? Probably not. He should be made to stay home, drive his wife & kids crazy.

I wonder if a solution would be for the judge to order the convicted criminal to pay reparations to the victims of his crime? Then they’d get the profits from any business venture he conducted from jail. Yes, even the tigers who were abused by scumbag “King”.

One wonders: Why is this bum out on bail in the first place? I bet he screeched “Lock her up!” about Hillary Clinton ten thousand times. LOCK HIM UP.  Bum.

That and cold snap is something that Texas didn’t expect to happen.

How much time to link the various Texas systems to a couple of other state electrical grids?

Meanwhile, Texas republicans are flatly opposed to the Infrastructure Bill (AKA: Jobs bill).

Democratic Administrations hate leakers as much as republicans. Especially as it was “National Security” information.