
I think you've pretty much summed up my dad's opinion of the original Ghostbusters from when I was your sons age. He didn't think it was awful, and he gets why I liked it, but he laughs his ass off at people who call it a comedy classic.

With them eating shawarma? I liked that.

That's relatively new though. When I was in college, there was one just off of campus, and it was consistently empty. Tried it once or twice, and meh.

It's alright. I don't really get it. It's not difficult to find much better fried chicken … particularly if you're from the South.

That had nowhere near the popularity and ubiquity of "Mellon Collie".

If I recall, it quite literally limped to that conclusion. I think the last few issues came out after a years long hiatus. I collected the series at the time, and I don't think I ever bought or read those final issues.

I always liked the Walking Dead comics. I didn't realize there was a backlash against them. Invincible is even better.

Do they mean evidence of the affair or evidence of his belief? If he believed that she was having an affair, does it matter whether she actually was or not?

Fuck. I didn't realize we were supposed to hate this now. I need to get out more.

My daughter laughed two or three times. Maybe this is more for her than you or me.

Ghostbusters is a movie that I like. This looks like a movie that I might also like. I'm not going to make any more of it than that.

That's kind of what Kirkman has said the inspiration behind the comic book initially was. Zombie movies end; what if they didn't?

The only thing I'll own up to is that after I realized that you were one of these argumentative assholes, I stopped interacting with you on any sort of meaningful level. It just wasn't worth it. I don't even recall exactly what I said, and I really don't even feel like scrolling up to see, but I recall that at some

No, I didn't feel any need to prove anything to you because I realize that your cynicism would make it impossible for you to believe that anybody that you disagree with could be an intelligent person. I was just making the point that it's completely ineffectual to insult someone with regard to something that they

Oh, don't worry, I have plenty of evidence of my intelligence. You want standardized test scores? SAT: 730 verbal, 790 math. GRE: 740 verbal, 800 quantitative, LSAT: 177. How did those scores translate to real life? Well, I worked at Microsoft and Amazon before returning to school to get my PhD at a top institution in

And that's where you lose all credibility. I know for certain that I'm not a stupid person, so it throws doubt on everything else you've said.

Me a troll? He's the one who can't seem to put fingers to keyboard without typing something condescending or insulting.

That's not what you said. You said, "you're stupid."

Trust me, I'm not.

Thanks, you finally acknowledged that it would work.