
I for one am taking this article and shoving it so far up the asses of those that gave me shit for preaching caution before rushing to judgment. It is very rare on the internet to be vindicated quickly enough to effectively rub it in the other person’s face.

And it hits home as a critique of those of us that are in interracial relationships as well. That may not be the intent of the authors of these pieces, but it easily comes across as such. My SO and I are sick of people insinuating our relationship is either a fetish or a cultural malady.

Yeah...I sort of hate that this movie is being used as the laundry line that airs these issues. It’s an important point that deserves to be heard, but this is literally the third article I’ve read online about The Big Sick mainly discussing issues with white women/Asian men onscreen. It starts feeling like a

Thank you. I came here to say this. People keep asking for stories about real people that are inclusive. THIS IS A FUCKING REAL STORY THAT IS INCLUSIVE. SO REAL IN FACT THAT IT FUCKING HAPPENED. Unless white women now have to either date within their race or no one is allowed to tell true stories about interracial

Personally I’m tired of people attacking interracial relationships. I hated when Jill Scott did it several years ago and I hate it now. Because underneath the rant about interracial relationships is the hatred of biracial people. We get it, you don’t think we should exist.

Well, some men is a more accurate statement.

Actually, it’s the original article and Bobby’s piece here that chooses to highlight the RuPaul Drag Race comment, while according to people who actually listened to the full interview are saying Garfield DID talk at length about his preparation work, coming across as thoughtful and understanding.

My god, the “famous person says something fundamentally supportive in an imperfect* way so let’s shit on him” genre has to die.

Oh, but since she’s “garbage” and this is all happening on social media it’s okay to dismiss the victim, dontcha know?

Cool, I said I misinterpreted your comment and clairified what I said. Yet you’re still being a dick about it. Again, I don’t think an internet conversation about a celebrity gossip item should be that serious.

You’re being terribly condescending

How exactly was the viewer supposed to identify with Sansa, when the entire time it happened, the camera was close up on Theon’s face? He’s the one the viewer was told to sympathize with.

I felt like the chief objection to Sansa’s rape was that they panned the camera to Theon’s reaction, as if the trauma was his and not hers. In the long term, they did recover from that unfortunate directing choice and bear out the full weight of what Sansa went through from her POV. It’s still frustrating that most

Sure seems like it:

Using a Nazi death camp as a stage to dehumanize a group of people by referring to them as heathen animals is really an impressive routine of moral gymnastics.

The rest of your post aside, that’s not actually a legal entry int he prenup. If either party tried to enforce that it would be laughed out of court.

In fairness to Kate, I don’t think I have ever seen her roast a house that was selling for under $650,000. The people buying/ building these monstrosities aren’t doing it because it is the only available option for them, they are doing it because they want people to think they are richer than they really are.

won’t someone think of the ruling class?

Yes that is usually what happens when you’re pregnant with twins, though occasionally they’ll eat their way out of the mother and declare war on humanity as well.

Wow @ the pearl clutching in the comment section already. Who cares if a 19 year old woman has her ass hanging out? The amount of clothes she wears has nothing to do with her talent or career. Also, showing some skin when you’re young does not set you up for a lifetime of trauma and embarrassment. Super surprised to