I want a picture book made solely out of all the dirty looks she will get tonight.
Funny, on that Streep Variety article commenters were saying she’s a fear monger because the gay community isn’t a target for chump and he’s always supported them. Assuming they aren’t trolls, how are people still being fooled by this moron?? He has absolutely zero convictions which means he’ll let anyone do anything…
JKR is the only person in history who ever dropped off the list of billionaires because she just wouldn’t stop donating fuckton after fuckton of money to charity, and also made it a point to avoid any and all common strategies to not pay taxes because she insisted that rich people have a moral obligation to pay all…
C’mon. Seriously? You thought her call to hire an African-American writer meant “hire any ol’ body off the street as long as they fail the paper bag test?”
she didn’t recommend an unqualified african-american, just and african american. do you assume that qualified african-american editorial writers are non-existant?
If you live in a city where the population is diverse, but the editorial pages are 100% white, the paper will not reflect the concerns of the diverse population. It’s not a question of turning down qualified white editors, it’s a matter of actively recruiting a staff that reflects the experience of the population.
Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.
It’s partially performative fear. They feel like their racism isn’t so bad if they can claim it’s all because they’re terrified.
“I live in one of the city’s safer neighborhoods, and I don’t walk my dog at night without constantly looking over my shoulder,”
forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school
Idk. I’ve had my ssn stolen snd it was a headache, but Id rather go thru that bullshit a hundred times over than be forcefully separated from my family and thrown into a dangerous and unknown future.
Angela Merkel, leader of the free world, summed up Putin pretty succinctly: ‘I understand why he has to do this — to prove he’s a man,’ she told a group of reporters. ‘He’s afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this.’
It’s interesting that the person at the center of this nonsense, Ivanka, hasn’t said anything about it herself while her dad and his employees break federal laws to convince people to buy her stuff.
When Trump said he would create 25 million new jobs I bet no one thought they would all be working for the ACLU.
Think about it too: when do pilots turn a plane around? Not because you want to renegotiate baggage fees. They don’t even turn around if you were late to a flight, much less because you felt, AFTER BOARDING THE PLANE, that you paid too much for bags.
Oh, please. I’m the whitest white man ever and if I get into a shouting match with the pilot on a plane that has left the terminl they are going to tase my privileged ass.
My personal “favorite” bit of news today concerning our dear Senators was this one over on Politico, where Congressman Reichert told his fellow lilly-livered elected officials:
Okay, I’ll take that little flame of comfort.
It’s not politics. It’s money. Bitch literally bought herself a cabinet position like you or I or any other joe-shmoe would buy a cabinet. She’s so in over her head I’m waiting for the bitch to ask where the drawers are.