
That’s consistent with my reading as well. The god of Sinai had limited power and reach, so hired Moses, empowered him a little, and had him go to Egypt to fight their gods. Why on Earth would we be forbidden to worship other gods if there weren’t any?

A pastor in California is part of a faction of Christians upset about Octavia Spencer’s role as God in the movie adaptation of William P. Young’s controversial 2007 novel The Shack. Spencer is black, you see, and God is a white man.

Of course people should be responsible for themselves and practice safe sex. But that doesn’t mean that he’s not guilty because they made a bad choice. Both can be true.

Oh, come on. A cold is typically not fatal. It’s certainly not fun, but the symptoms do pass in a matter of days. Treatment for a cold is ubiquitous, relatively affordable, and temporary. None of this is true of HIV/AIDS. That’s a terrible comparison.

Conceptually knowing there is a statistical risk and knowing that the person you are having an encounter with is, for a fact, HIV positive, are two entirely different things. Is it a good or smart idea to have unprotected sex with a stranger? No. But the burden here is on the one with the information who withholds

Having a disease isn’t a crime. Knowingly exposing others to that disease without giving them the necessary information to make an informed decision to continue with the activity is.

Jesus Christ. Talk about blaming the victim.

Having a disease isn’t a crime. Knowingly spreading it is. Stop victim blaming.

And I would add that HIV is only treatable with long-term medications that can be extraordinarily expensive and have their own ill-effects. If someone does not have access to health insurance, they might not be able to afford those medications for the rest of their lives. And for some, the side-effects and

The caveat there is “with proper management.” Let’s not forget that it’s been less than a decade since insurance companies could legally discriminate against patients with long term illnesses and that they may regain that right in the next few years.

Saying that if someone will be fine if they’re treated therefore it’s not a big deal is a dangerous route to go down, though... someone can recover from and live a long and healthy life after a gunshot wound. Should shooting someone only be a crime if the victim dies or loses a limb?

In California, it’s considered assault if you don’t inform someone you have a known blood born illness before engaging in an activity that could transmit it. i.e sharing needles, sex, blood oaths, vampirism, etc.

So it’s basically like herpes, except for that myriad of life threatening complications that might come with it, the stigma and complications concerning ones private life and the costs of treatment. But other than that, no biggie!!

While we have made huge strides in the treatment and management of HIV, it is still not comparable to syphilis/gonorrhea/chlamydia. A better analogy off the top of my head would be Hep C, but even that is now curable. HIV is not.

Am I supposed to be relieved by this? This man knowingly and willingly exposed his partners to a potentially life threatening disease without their consent. At least one contracted the disease.

Plenty of people drink every day, don’t perceive it as a problem, and are in fact drinking over recommended levels. Taking the UK guidelines (‘cos I don’t know what the US ones are), someone drinking a glass of wine a day is probably above that level (and someone doing the more common ‘let’s share a bottle of wine

Yeah it’s not addictive like heroin but it’s still addictive, psychologically. Most people don’t know this, but guess what neither is meth or coke! But it’s so mentally addictive. Not saying weed is like those two, but you catch my drift. Coming down from meth wasn’t bad at all. I was the most dope sick coming off

Seconding the thanks.

Can we finally meet at the middle on weed use and health? Its not the worst thing in the universe, nor is it a wholly positive indulgence. Rather than fighting to “smoke weed every day”... Can we accept that it, like any other substance, should be consumed responsibly and in moderation? I’ve never met a person who

Threats need to be taken seriously but I’m not sure how much of a threat this woman is.