
If including scenes shot in parking garages with graffiti is plagiarism, dude’s film plagiarised Michael Jackson’s filmclip for Bad. You don’t get to throw a bunch of generic elements into your work and then get pissed when someone else uses those same elements.

Prison is for rehabilitation, not for retribution.

If anyone did deserve it, it would be him... But if we’re going to say that women prisoners being assaulted is wrong, I think we have to say the same about prisoners of all sexes and genders.

Well, should a wealthy person lose just because she is wealthy, or on the actual merits of the case? Come on now.

I had a horrible teacher who seemed to really dislike me and take every opportunity to be a raging dick to me. I’m pretty sure it’s because my mother worked at the school and he didn’t get on with her so why not take it out on her child, like great use of power there Severus fuckin Snape. He’s a headteacher now and I

Trump: “We are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria. We have no idea who they are, where they come from”

“Willow was doing all these things, about to have record label deals at like the age of 6, and I was like, ‘I feel like I’m underachieving.’”

Including the Met. Not really sure why many Americans on this thread seem to think they have the moral high ground on this one.

I feel so sorry for her. Let me play her a song on a this tiny violin:-

called herself “the most hated person in the world.”

At first I thought she was too young, as the book states quite clearly that she’s middle-aged. At the same time, the undercurrent of sexual jealousy and bitterness against another woman for being fertile while you’re not is much more believable when both women are young. A middle-aged woman is most often at peace with

This is ridiculously stupid and completely on our own heads for not having secure, multi-verifiable, & non-privatized voting solutions deployed years ago instead of crap like Diebold and other foxes we have guarding the henhouse at every turn.

If anyone finds a video of the full performance that you don’t need to be in the US to watch, I will love you forever.

Maybe, just maybe, it isn’t a misogynistic conspiracy and they’re finally just tired of her bullshit. By all accounts she’s an asshole. But that’s not outragey enough.

Ehh, if we are going to compare punishments, Solo made out quite well in her whole one game suspension for the domestic violence arrest, which I would point out was heavily criticised at the time as being completely inadequate. This particular suspension may be an overreaction, but I don’t think you can ignore Solo’s

Is Hope Solo really a hill worth dying on Jez?

Hope isn’t being suspended or released because of the Sweden comment. Rather, she’s being released because she’s been given slaps on the wrist over and over again because, up to this point, she was valuable to U.S. Soccer. But she is no longer the goalie she once was.

look, they’ve got a point. following athletes requires an intimate knowledge of their athletic event. you might think he’s a complex human with a life and personality separate from football, you might even think you know the national anthem, but unless you can contextualize those things within your expert knowledge of

I am so sick of her not being exactly what everyone wants her to be all the time. It’s like she isn’t even trying to take all of our criticism simultaneously. I liked her at first but then she was too likeable and now I hate her but she just keeps being Jennifer Lawrence and I am just like HELLO, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR