
Because it’s not totally possible. You’re acting like there are questions here. This is not an area of unknowns. We know how wi-fi works. We know how the radiation it emits works. We know that it has no health effects on the human body. This is all stuff that has been known for literally decades. You might as well say

No, I just understand how radiation works. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with science. If wi-fi signals were dangerous, we’d already see the effects with radio and TV signals, which are basically the same thing.

If you think non-ionizing radiation is harmful to you, stay in a dark faraday cage at all times and you might have hope. Otherwise, wi-fi is no different from all the radio and TV signals that go through you every moment of the day and have since we started broadcasting radio over a century a go.


If you travel to any foreign country and commit any crime (and it’s sure starting to sound like they committed one), they will take your passport. That’s how it works. It’s how they keep you from fleeing the country to avoid the consequences.

Why? Ryan Lochte and his mom turned this into an international incident by going to the media with a false report of a crime. Gringos go to South America and think they can do whatever they want and lie about it. I’m glad they’re getting come comeuppance, but its too bad the worst offender got away. Hopefully he loses

The hypocrisy is that foreigners in the US are required to comply with the law, and if they are part of an ongoing investigation, can be detained and ordered by a judge (as Lochte was) to remain in the country/state/city. Yet when Brazil does it, it’s irresponsible. IDGAF if they’re Olympic athletes, if you’re gonna

Wow, the hypocrisy of these comments is astounding! Yes, detaining a high-profile foreigner (especially an American) is a big move, but so is breaking the law in a foreign country and making up a deliberate lie to cover your own ass. Lochte’s story raised red flags from the beginning - contradictions about

Boo, no.

Right. Because the important thing here is to assuage American fears and make Americans feel better about themselves, not to investigate a potential crime.

The issue isn’t so much that your chances of working things out is better or worse if you move in together prior to marriage, but that in the event that things don’t work out, it’s going to be MUCH more difficult and potentially contentious to completely end the relationship.

Are you serious? They committed a crime! They trashed the whole gas station and gave the police a false story. That is a crime in Brazil. Can you imagine if it were the opposite? Is brazilian athletes lied about being robbed in the US and actually just trashed a place? You guys would just let them go, no question?

But if they were brawling, trashing shops and refusing to pay for it (I don’t give a shit if they were drunk), then they should be dealt with by the law, and if confiscating their passports is the only way to stop them evading the law, tough shit. It’s not ok to go round behaving like fuckwits, breaking the law and

Because your reaction to those things are different once you’ve already made the life-long commitment. You can think in terms of “girl/boy friend has this annoying thing about them, huh, hopefully I can get use to/ work with it?” OR “Wife/Husband has this annoying thing about them, can I put up with this for the rest

Or maybe they really just don’t appreciate privileged white Americans falsely accusing its native citizens of crimes because of course the world will think the brown natives are only capable of this.

Except that none of their bans apply to Christian symbols like crusafixes. Pretty convenient.

[Conger] “we just blew our savings on hookers and blow. This doesn’t !look good on us.”

There was not DNA found *all over* her body. There was only a minuscule amount of unidentifiable male DNA found in her panties, but a lot of forensic specialists have said that DNA could have come from literally anywhere - a factory worker, someone at the party they’d been to, etc.

Given the fact that an hour supposedly passed between Jon Benet being hit over the head, and being strangled, I’m guessing that Burke accidentally hurt her, the parents thought she was dead, then they wrote the lengthy note (using a pad from the home and putting the pen back in the place where pens go, what intruder

Oh, c’mon, don’t be petty. He did a great job.