
Anything that floats is helpful for someone who’s about to drown.

It’s actually true— the ambulance didn’t come equipped with a time machine to go back two weeks so his parents could take him to a doctor.

I’m not convinced he realizes it will be hard work.

Ted Cruz - the man who shut down the government over Obamacare - calling yesterday’s filibuster “a political show” is truly rich.

You know? Fuck no-fly lists. They’re pretty useless. I want to see the firearms equivalent of SIP laws. Nearly every state has laws in place to make bartenders culpable if they serve to intoxicated persons. They may not be well enforced, but they’re there and legal precedent.

I think a celebration of beautiful excess is EXACTLY the thing that helps in bleak times like this. Beauty, dancing and music at a celebration of friendship, life and love...sounds a lot like what the men who went to Pulse on Saturday night were trying to do themselves.

You really believe that Americans could wage a physical war with a hypothetical tyrannical government? I’m not necessarily for a full-on gun ban, but I just find the second amendment to be anachronistic with our current society. When people bring it up in the debate about gun safety and common sense regulation it just

Re: How can gun deaths = car deaths?

Yep... it’s the wrong way round.

US terrorists follow US right-wing rhetoric while attacking US right-wing scapegoats. But for some reason we’re not supposed to connect the dots. It’s always someone else’s culture that’s to blame.

Ya sorry, no one can touch Atwood. Don’t even try.

gurl rly

Yeah but Amy Poehler was married to him, that is a hell of a character reference.

Sometimes the worst punishment is not prison. Don’t get me wrong, a six months sentence was far too kind, but I think it’s not the only punishment a person can endure, and right now his life is ruined. His family is ruined financially and they’re asking for money to cover their attorneys, he can’t do what he loves

If it was really rape, she’d weep and shiver in the corner while praying the rosary for the rest of her life.

That’s not why we still have the death penalty.

Hell that makes it worse! I would think “if this is such a nice, caring person why did he single me out to violate?!”

I am not blaming her directly for this, because that isn’t right.

I say this in good faith, and as somebody who really likes and fully supports Ke$ha in this and all other protest actions:

Why in a dirt bag, next to an indicted child pornography peddler, some celebrity nobodies who have split and a convicted domestic abuser?