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If y’all haven’t watched the Meet the Queens clips, do yourself a favor and go to the Logo website and do so. There are so many promising queens this season. I’m gunning for Bob The Drag Queen:

My Law and Order: SVU training has taught me that non disclosure agreements are void if it involves a criminal act. Olivia Benson would nail that perp to the wall.

The best defense is an offensive offense.

This is really the way he’s going to protect his legacy? Who is giving this man legal advice? Take your LUMPS, creepy old man. Take them with some fucking grace, you aged shitheel. Allow your victims some small measure of peace; pay the price for the terrible decisions authorized by your fame-addled brain and enacted

They weren’t married, and I’m pretty sure spousal privilege doesn’t cover him not testifying to something he saw, only conversations the two of them had. Plus, he’s testifying for the prosecution. She also lied to him.

Yeah, I’m perma-gray but I commented the same thing elsewhere. It’s the fact that the termination of the pregnancy is not something the mother wanted that is the crux of the matter. That’s where the crime lies.

It’s legal to donate a kidney, but not for someone to cut a kidney out of you without your consent. I think that’s the kind of law that should be in effect here.

I don’t think you are a hypocrite, but I think the termination of a fetus against the will of the woman carrying it is the crime to bring charges against here. To me, that’s the big picture.

I’m extremely pro-choice (and work in OB at a Catholic hospital, so... it’s a struggle), but I didn’t get the impression from the information in this write-up that we’re talking about a ball of unviable cells here. If we’re talking about like, a 25-week-old baby that should have gone to term, I don’t care what kind of

This is where it gets difficult for me personally. I want that person to be held accountable for the death of the fetus. But does that make me a pro choice hypocrite?

I think the thing is, you never get to decide for another person whether or not they’d “rather know” or “rather not.” I don’t know how I’d react if my partner told me he was cheating — whether I would want to work it out, whether I’d need a break, etc. I might be really unhappy knowing. But he doesn’t get to pick for

If you don’t believe in karma, then this is wonderful advice. Speaking from personal experience (and only that), I would advise to break up if you cheat right away. For whatever reason, that comes back to you somefuckinhow no matter how well you covered your tracks. I am truly convinced of this. It just isn’t worth it

I don’t think it was surprise the sentiment existed, just surprise at just how easy it was to bring it up to that level out in the open.

There’s been a few responses to this letter but this one is my favorite (H/T Backtalk).

Right? I mean, say for the sake of argument this poor woman is, in real life, exactly as horrible and wretched as he describes her. Why in the name of all God’s little angels would you be spending all your time harassing and threatening her?

Right? The position of the Catholic church on abortion is not surprising, but their continued refusal to allow birth control is baffling.

I know we’re not supposed to even entertain this point, but what final exams does one give an 8 year old to prove they’re prepared for a career in literally ANYTHING? This kind of hubris is so alarming. I hope this kid gets put in the supervised environment he, and society at large, so desperately needs. My mom

Where did he get the money to do all of this? That clinic looks huge! That website looks legit! I wish he could have just used his love for medicine in a positive way by - say - getting a medical degree and actually being licensed to practice it.

But this is important for the same reason that it’s important for sex workers to have safe, supportive workplaces even though sex work is exploitative and objectifying. This type of media, just like sex work, isn’t going to vanish overnight. And women who consent to being represented in this manner, to being a part of

‘Bright-eyed American stars and British unknowns’