
I don’t know if this is the place for this (read: it probably isn’t)

A fact for which I am EXTREMELY thankful. Apart from and the ilk, I have rarely come across a “research journalist” who was so clearly biased—ethically compromised—and just disdainful of their own readers.

Idk, in season 1 or 2 he was upset about having lady pilots on an airplane. He's always been an old fashioned grump. He can be charmingly out of touch at best (don't touch a want ad IN A NEWSPAPER because you might get a virus??) and a downright misogynistic asshole at worst.

Agreed. I couldnt understand why they were making Danny such a miserable, selfish person, yet asking us to continue to love him. He’s a dick. He didn’t want Mindy to open her fertility clinic, he tried to trick-inseminate her, he sides with his mother CONSTANTLY, he’s condescending to her, and as someone upthread

Danny was the reason I gave up watching The Mindy Project, because it seemed like the show didn’t realize he sucked. From this article, it seems like he’s even worse than when I gave up, but this development makes me want to pick it up again.

I think the difference between Danny and all of Mindy’s other major love interests is that they loved her for exactly who she is: flighty, self absorbed, but very smart. Danny, however, since Day 1 has openly wanted her to be somethin different. And I can relate to finding that (in a sick way) attractive and feeling

Danny has been the worst since the beginning, and has somehow gotten event worst-er. After the last few weeks it looked like Mindy might leave him, but that’s such an unusual event for a tv show that I wasn’t sure it could happen. I really hope it stays this way.

Wow. Maybe you just like vinegar and everything sour...doesn’t mean that people that like sweet things once in a while are the Devil.

It might just be that your issue with taste is that you prefer sour/acidic rather than the creamy/rich dressing which is of course your prerogative. However, Girard’s dressing that you

If you’re not eating something because you don’t like it, then you’re absolutely not who she’s getting at in this article. Chill out, she wasn’t getting a dig at you.

That’s fine and dandy that you just don’t like sugar, (though I don’t think she’s being quite so literal with the cake thing), but I feel obligated to say that what the bathroom scale says is no indication of whether or not a person has an eating disorder. (I’m not saying that you do, of course, but that in general

Because they share of love for Disney? They play freaking Snow White and Prince Charming for a living.

Even if he’s a liberal purposely sabotaging the GOP, he’s still fucking evil for riling up the 25 to 40 percent of hardcore racists in this country. People are getting hurt because of this pus filled sack of shit’s rhetoric.

Her attitude appears to be “there is no such thing as rape when alcohol is involved”, yet somehow also, “the choice of women and girls to drink alcohol causes rape.”

Not going to feel much pity for Cruise. He clearly took his children with Nicole Kidman away from her. Whether he’s not seeing Suri because Katie is a Suppresive Person or because Katie opposes his religion, it’s a taste of his own medicine. Either way, he has clearly prioritized his cult over his family.

First off, I’m so sorry. Second, bravo. I get the desire to say “rape is not sex” (it’s not) but the “rape is never about sex” trope is wrong (studies show this) and potentially dangerous, since it discounts a ton of date rape, child molestation and other assault driven primarily by sexual desire.

It is entirely possible that Sheen was open with those close to him, and those he had sexual relations with, but still wanted to keep it from the general public. He would not have been able to keep it quiet for long if he complained to the police that he was being blackmailed.

I would think he would have fears re not being hired for work.

I'd say this is our winner. Gluten isn't spread by contact.

I figure my comment probably belongs here, as while I was reading the story, I thought someone will probably call Pinkham’s Law on me if I write it:

“It doesn’t really affect the trendy gluten-avoiders, but is actively dangerous to celiacs.”