
Why do people who tell other commentators to read folks, are usually the ones that have the story wrong. It was some change and his car was parked kind of far from the window. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that he had been drinking and driving.

What popped into my head is that instead of being mourned, the victims will become props for the “should we ban knives now?” argument the ammosexuals are likely already spouting.

This is literally the worst advice. Taking amphetamines you don’t need for weight loss reasons is a great way to get an eating disorder and go a little bit crazy. And then once you’re off the amphetamines you will without a doubt gain all of that weight back immediately.

I agree that we shouldn’t pretend that children that age who are on the cusp of puberty or experiencing puberty don’t have sexual feelings. I remember being 12 and sneakily reading smutty novels. Sexuality is a complicated and nuanced thing, even at age 12. Perhaps especially at age 12.

There’s a quote from Hard Candy that sums it up pretty well: “Just because a child knows how to imitate a woman does not mean she is ready to do what a woman does.”

She can’t consent. Also, he never says she consented, he says she was not necessarily all that unwilling. It’s a vague thing to say—after all, we have no idea what he means by this. Did he refer to the fact that she left her Mom and Grandma to go to the bathroom with him or to meet him there? Does he mean that the

“She was not necessarily all that unwilling, but at the age of 12 it doesn’t matter,” said Kelly.

you’re not getting dogpiled. your idea is bad, stupid, and you’re coming across as callous and cruel and people are calling you out while you double, triple, and quadruple the fuck down.

I see from below that you’re coming from a personal place here, but FYI we’re dealing with a heroin epidemic right now that’s actually not because of people “choosing” to use it. People are being prescribed opioids for pain management, getting hooked, and then being unable to afford to buy prescription drugs on the

My state, PA, instituted this law last year:

lololololololololol you think heroin addicts will “choose” not to be addicts because they’ll “have to pay for it” ten years from now? I find it hard to believe you do actually have personal experience with somebody close to you being an addict, because you sure do sound ignorant as all hell. Threats of future bills

Statistics say that supervised injecting centers reduce diseases and can even reduce crime. They also give social workers a place to engage addicts, offering them a pathway back to sobriety. It is pretty counterintuitive, but they seem to work.

There’s no way to “discourage destructive behavior”, though. That’s not how people think. Nobody tries heroin thinking “Hey, prison and long-term health issues sounds AWESOME!” Most of the time, drug addiction is a short-term solution to a long-term psychological problem that, if you don’t treat it, will remain.

Besides, addiction is a public health issue, not an impuls control one. Rehab should absolutely be covered. Anything else is extremely short sighted.

“You say potato, I say potato.”

You need to find Jesus or Buddha or Yahweh or something man because you’re as cold as ice.

Well, I am paying for an alcoholics cirrhosis or addiction treatment. I am paying for a smoker’s lung cancer treatments or addiction therapy. I am fine paying, partially, for a heroin addict’s attempt at successful rehabilitation. Better than a revolving door into the prison system with little help.

I have also dealt with family members with extreme addiction, so I understand the painful place you’re speaking from, but in the end, I think it’s much more complicated. Should they be held accountable and accept responsibility? Yes. After becoming sober I think it’s necessary to understand and accept some people will

There’s this whole “quality of mercy” thing we kinda need to have as a functioning society. I’d look into that.

They are not legalizing it, they are decriminalizing it. Which means addicts who are caught with it won’t fear jail time, which means that the focus can be more on health and rehab as opposed to imprisoning them.