
kind of a #notallmen argument you’ve got there.

This isn’t new, it’s just new technology. Back in the day, I sent a carrier pigeon who ended up getting lost and flying west instead of east, and the result was a beautiful, long, sustained pigeon-exchange. We celebrated our seventeenth anniversary in August.

Don’t forget: there can’t be a catastrophe unless there’s someone there to experience it! Because if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, THAT TREE NEVER FELL AND IT NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE YOU’RE A COMMIE LIBERAL FASCIST WITH A SOCIALIST LYING LIAR

I mean, I agree with you and her 100% when it comes to semantics, and I’m the sort of person that would probably be caught saying this in an interview because I believe in equal treatment of all genders across the board etc. etc. There’s nothing WRONG with humanism and respecting the agency of all people, just like

Humanism is an alternate view to theism, or religion and faith. I’m a Humanist. I am also a Feminist.

Speaking of hellaciously tacky, has anyone seen that McDonald’s commercial where a young couple gets married and can’t sit down to eat at the reception, and when they get into the car for going away there’s MCDONALD’S BURGERS in the car and note from the groom’s dad saying “You never get to eat at your own wedding?”

Much easier solution: Just don’t talk to them again if you don’t like the way you were treated. I encourage the bill-getters to do the same.

No. No no no you are wrong.

I agree that the wording is a little disingenuous, but it doesn’t even really matter. If she just decided “Fuck it, I don’t want to go.”, that’s rude, but does not excuse sending someone a bill for their uneaten dinner. Perhaps she didn’t know anyone but the bride and didn’t want to go sit at a table by herself?

This kind of shit INFURIATES me.

Someone missed my wedding because they had to spend the day searching for a suicidal family member (their body, as it turned out). Someone else didn’t come because they allegedly had a stomach virus. People miss weddings for all sorts of reasons, and I don’t know why you’d take it so personally. You pay pretty well in

This wedding shit is getting out of hand. The universe does not revolve around 1) you or 2) your wedding budget or 3) your gift registry. It’s a party you chose to throw, people are not legally bound to show up (even when they said they would). Weddings are becoming the outlet of choice for asshole behavior nowadays.

I feel like not that long ago all those sites would’ve just laughed at Michelle and left the picture up. It's nice that they're learning to respect children, but it'd be better if no one had ever taken those photos at all. Children should not be stalked by creepy-ass dudes with cameras just because their parents are

...I think you win. My dad cutting in on my first dance with my husband is nothing in comparison.

No because that would be my crazy Aunt who did the following:

Man, I hate it when it sands in the winter, and I have to wait for the roads to be cleared before I can drive. I hate shovelling sand in the driveway, too. THough I love making sandmen, and having sandball fights...

I did some looking into this place, and went from “this is a really stupid idea!” to “this sounds really cool!” They basically import a ton of random cereals from all over the world, have like 120 different kinds, a bunch of different milks, they have “cereal cockatils” where they mix up bowls of different kinds and

I worked in the mountains for a while. A number of our summer season customers asked if the patches of white stuff on the higher parts of the mountains was sand.

Ummm, okay. That was an unreasonably strong response. Taking a break from Tumblr?

Not sure where you got my implication that this was a good thing. I agree with you completely.