
If you’d bothered to read the lawsuit you would understand that everything you just said is utterly false. NAF is suing for monetary damages for increased security costs, increased reputational costs, and for the impact the videos have had on the livelihood of their members. Throughout the lawsuit they detail multiple

In the city I live in, there are gay bars, some of which I’ve been to with friends. I don’t complain that they call it a “gay bar”.

Your last paragraph is irrelevant, since I don’t care what your orientation or gender is, though I suppose I should point out it seems to be the kind of whining I thought you were against. Don’t get me wrong, if people were actually treating you unfairly because you were straight, I think it would be fine for you to

Just to be clear, by ‘Devil’s Advocate’ you really mean ‘Homophobe Apologist’, right?

“we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

I’ve always thought that the reason why he was so good at character roles is that he has no personality. he always has such a flat effect to his voice and mannerisms in interviews. this doesn’t surprise me.

Yes, Bristol, you’re absolutely right. The police who dragged a 14-year-old out of school in handcuffs for building a science project and subjected him to hours of racist interrogation without allowing him access to a lawyer or his parents are the real victims here. The police and white people everywhere. Can’t put

“Who knew the nurses of America moved like the mob?”

This. But we all know who wins the Facebook martyr-off: stay at home moms.

Ugh I know it’s not your fault but I hate when people call women trying to be sexy young girls “Lolita” because it’s the exact fucking opposite of what Nabokov wrote.

I interpret this as the mom saying that nudity isn’t a big deal. How silly it is that a toddler’s ambiguous body is allowed to be naked but once there are distinguishable breasts, it is taboo and shameful. I could be wrong but I really don’t think this woman is exploiting her child.

When I managed a Borders we were also responsible for this small calendar kiosk on the other side of the shopping center. I was there covering someone’s lunch break and this crazed woman came over demanding why we had no bichon frise calendars. The dog calendar people were always the weirdest.

I was way more of a smart-ass when I worked in a bookstore, since my manager was always job hunting and couldn’t have cared less. During the height of the “Twilight” craze, right when the last book and the first movie had been released, we were sent a metric ton of merch, including those SweetHearts chalk-flavored

I'm going thru something like this right now. I am, despite my username, a dude. Me and my partner of 15 years are finally making it official in a couple weeks now that the SCOTUS mess has been settled. We're going to the county courthouse with one witness and likely getting married in someone's cubicle. Afterward

Wtf? She consented to having sex with a man, and was deceived into having sex with a completely different woman. Here’s a tip: if you have to lie to someone to have sex with them, because they wouldn’t have consented otherwise, it’s rape.

She did not consent to having sex with this woman. She consented to having sex with a totally different person (who turned out not to be real). This flies in the face of every aspect of knowing and enthusiastic consent.

Right. So if flight attendants don’t need to hand out drinks, than why do they? You keep saying the same thing over and over again. It’s an absurd argument. The FAA lists what is the the minimum that they’re supposed to do. Obviously that isn’t everything they DO do. How are you having a hard time understanding this?

I’m not ok with it. If I’m on a plane and have to wait half an hour for the non-fundie FA on the other end of the plane to serve me my drink because the one serving me can’t give me booze because of her beliefs, that’s affecting me and affecting the quality of the service. So no, I’m not ok with this lady. If you’re

I mean, we can debate about the degree to which she’s a monster (less than ISIS, more than the assholes who drive on the shoulder of the road in traffic) but if you’re physically assaulting terrified people, children among them, at their lowest point, yeah, you’re a monster.