
Is Google flagging more right-leaning sites for review than left-leaning ones? Probably. But, uh, that’s also probably because a massive segment of the conservative media, particularly newer digital ventures like the Caller, are completely fine with brazen distortion and aren’t interested in the same journalistic

Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.

Kind of interesting how he mentions growth of Joi’s character. While I did see her evolve through the movie, the point where K interacts with the giant holographic advertisement made me question whether any of it was real

I didn’t watch all of the leftovers. I got a few episodes in when I realized the show wasn’t going anywhere because no one knew where to take it. Showrunners seem to think mystery is a fitting substitute for development.

He goes on to reiterate what might be the central point of Watchmen, saying, “What we think about superheroes is wrong. I love the Marvel movies and we saw Justice League this morning and I’m all for Wonder Woman and Batman and I grew up on these characters, but we should not trust people who put on masks and say that

Is there any way to get rid of the “Recent Video from Gizmodo” that just sits in the middle of the article? If someone opens the article and just wants to see the video, the first video to click on is that, not the actual video that the article is about. Having to scroll past a completely unrelated video to watch the

Lindelof + anything = shit. Please stop giving this guy work.

As one of those “academics” referenced by Mr. Stamos, I have to agree with him on a couple of points. My university—-like most others—is VERY concerned about the nexus of information literacy and critical thinking, as it applies to online content. And it IS a different beast than applying the same general principles

Those are terrible

From an evolutionary standpoint that statement is correct 

Hey journalism, you’re free to say whatever you want, but you’re not free of the consequences.

Both Neutral and Chaotic Good can have strict personal codes. The defining characteristic of Lawful is believing in the importance of an ordered and structured society, where everyone plays by the rules even if the rules are imperfect or inconvenient.

Admiral Sprague’s tin cans would like a word.

This is the result of the normalization of violence against your political opponents that the #resistence crowd has been nurturing for months, assisted by the media and celebrities (Kathy Griffin included). Eventually punching “nazis” in the face as a form of protest just doesn’t do it for someone anymore. This is the

“Men are trash” is simply not the same thing as sexist attacks on women, because you don’t face the systemic oppression that makes sexist slurs so toxic

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I don’t think it is. It’s from the CG mission video:

I always like my breast feeding women to have monoboobs. (Note: not saying there shouldn’t be an emoji, just that the design is weird)

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Before too many people crank out dogwhistle racist comments about population growth in the 3rd world, heres a good video from the rad Hans Rosling about how to slow population growth: