
How is believing in conspiracy theories alt right? I run somewhere in the middle, but truth be told probably a bit left. I don’t understand the stance. I can believe that the black rights movement is indeed a cause worth fighting. But I can also believe that there is a shadow government pulling the strings. How does

you just did exactly what he’s talking about 

This is really why a lot of people think science is “bullshit.” “One week they’re telling us not to wear masks, then they’re telling us to wear masks, now they’re telling us we’ve been wearing the WRONG masks.” These people then discount science completely because they “can’t make up their mind.” They don’t realize

This right here is why communicating complex science to the layperson is such a critical skill set that isn’t given enough emphasis. What I’m seeing a lot out in public is the assumption that ‘6 feet’ is just a rough high guideline, not dissimilar to how people assume ‘use by’ dates on food are just conservative

While I initially thought this would lead me to quit. It hasn’t yet. Instead, I’ve just lost any interest in ever farming for a good roll on a weapon. The best weapon I can find, I’ll use. Whatever.

you can. You need a delivery team tracking progress and expenditure across the project that then presents the the status of each team to studio leadership on a quarterly basis. Based on feedback and shortcomings you reallocate resources to meet the necessary deadline or to compensate for shortfalls in reaching goals

I was ok with 8 coming out of the theater but disliked it more and more as I thought of it after. I don’t think a good movie could have followed the damage 8 did, there was just nothing interesting left to use. Rian was very irresponsible, only caring to satisfy his own little whims to make a film he wants.

Thank you! The real reason I hated The Last Jedi is that it ultimately didn’t take the overarching story in any real direction. For everyone’s talk of how much it changed things, the state of our main characters was largely unchanged by the end of the movie. Kylo Ren was bad, Rey had no teacher, Finn had a reason to

But in this case, it’s also a dig at its predecessor, a repudiation of Johnson’s attempt to break free of the past and take the narrative in a new direction

There you go, looking for consistent thematic elements with Damon Lindelof.

You dont seem to understand that you are as awful a person as any MAGA hat wearing person. We don’t need people like them or like you.

So it would be OK if someone didn’t like your political views and committed violence against you?

There’s no such thing as an “unambiguous good.” What’s good for one group of people is usually bad for another. Also, radicalization of any sort is bad. Radicals lead with emotion, not reason. If anything, we should be pushing everyone to be moderate so they actually consider things with some measure of objectivity.

You can’t fight hate with hate and i’d say that calling people you disagree with “Nazis” isn’t really very productive. The data is pretty clear, the right hasn’t really drifted much further right over the last 20 years, the left however... 

To be fair though, unions suffer from the same universal problem as every other organization in human history - they are created by, and administered by, humans. I know that sounds silly, but inevitably, once a union gets big enough, decisions tend to stop being about helping those that pay dues, and more about

The right to put others lives at risk is not enshrined in the constitution. If that’s what your argument hangs on I suggest you log off.

I don’t care if you disagree. You’re wrong. You’re out of your depth. You would not be arguing this if you had any idea what you were talking about.

The total number of people involved in this live action power point is 90 tops. Maybe 180 if you count the chaperones and those under 12.

I saw a dick of an old indian dude hammering his “sacred drum” nearly in the face of a smug white dick, while some black dicks shouted some crap in the background.

BLIZZARD: Hey, while the cake is baking, we got the guy next door to make you some surprise cookies!