
It’s pleasant to talk to someone who knows a bit about testing, and is aware of the distinction between product and process. I agree with you 100% that SpaceX would be wise to examine their process and identify if it might be contributing to results like this before their tests include living payloads.

Er, well....uh....the inelegant point of I was trying to make was that there is a lot of failure and iteration inherent in complex engineering. No one expects a Mark 1 component or system integration to work the first try, and if it does that’s usually a red flag.

I wasn’t trying to be flippant or cavalier about the

More good information on testing from a testing professional. I just strongly dislike the “its all a failure” narrative in articles like this. It was Apollo 11 that made it to the moon, not Apollo 1.

I fear you may be extending too much benefit of the doubt to our current set of political leaders. I’m too jaded to see their actions as anything more than trying to obfuscate their blame and failure to listen to experts on pandemics, who have been warning of this scenario for years and years. covid-19 might be new to

Do you want another chance at the last word?

There’s a shortage because political leadership failed to prepare. The WHO and political leaders are now attempting to manage supply, for good reason, by lying about the effectiveness of mass mask wearing.

Fear saves lives, you asshole.

Maybe if more people were afraid earlier coivid-19 would not have infected and killed as many people, you shit head.

Next time you judge all of humanity look in the mirror first, you fucking moron.

It’s not even anecdotal, there’s clear evidence populations where mask wearing is common have lower transmission rates.

This article is not going to age well.

You know what else isn’t contained? The 15 billion tonnes per year of emissions from coal fired power plants. This thousands of pounds of lead, arsenic, and uranium. Millions of metric tons of CO2. Half of all the airborne mercury. And uncountable amounts of soot and polluted water.

Take your crying wolf about uncontain

“My body is not inherently sexual.” Is the Twitch body painter equivalent of “My game is not political.”

The NAZIs called it lebenstraum. Show me population control that doesn’t resemble genocide and I’ll stop calling it genocide.

Kirk and Uhuru kissed decades ago. Ellen and Mariel more recently. Will and Grace was on before 2000.

Where the hell have you been living?

I don’t know about the average cost per weight unit for a set, but the average* cost per Lego piece for a set has been rock solid at 11 cents for decades.

*some are higher, some are lower

Those suggesting eliminating the EC, here’s a though experiment for you. Imagine voting for a world president without an EC, how would you feel about China and India combining into a single bloc and winning every vote?

They also left out of this analogy the grossly mismanaged and hastely implemented Chernobyl cleanup efforts that resulted in thousands more dead while the rich and prosperous wagged their fingers.

This needs to be posted every time someone says this duel is “one of the best ever on film.”

Good lord, you struck true based on these reactions.

First, I didn’t call anyone a Nazi.

Character drama and unknown mysteries can only carry a show so far. Eventually you need a plot that moves, characters that evolve, and a story that concludes. Leftovers had some interesting characters and wonderful actors, but ultimately did nothing with them except run them in circles.

Damon Lindelof; Lost, Prometheus, Leftovers, Star Trek Into Darkness, World War Z, and now Watchmen.

Horrible writer who’s main shtick is Mystery Box Theater, only the box is completely empty almost every time.