It’s incredibly myopic hoping the corporation with the power to silence speech only uses it on speech you don’t like.
It’s incredibly myopic hoping the corporation with the power to silence speech only uses it on speech you don’t like.
It’s 100% spin targeted at journalists and investors. A 15 month delay means only one thing, they are no where near ready for a commercial release and have been stringing both their customers and likely their non-leadership employees along.
That person is so absolutely tone deaf and out of touch with how his products are made and employees are treated. If the “work practices are sound and appropriate” there would not have been a 15 month delay.
The art above is rejected concept art that has been blown way out of proportion.
Step into analysis mode, please.
There’s a small chance they’ll super-evolve humanity...very small.
We’re going to end up reading about Tom Cruise dying during the production of one of these.
These idiots are going to end up killing all humans.
The GDPR regulations indicate all EU citizens and all data stores in the EU are in scope. This means regardless of where you are, if you’re an EU citizen you are in scope; and regardless of where you are, if your data lands in the EU you are in scope.
It’s probably easier to in-scope everyone instead of trying to…
The friend-zone isn’t some sort of Russell’s teapot, or an afterlife, people have been there and reported back. Deny it or castigate it all you want, innocent unrequited love between good friends is a reality as old as love itself.
Just wait until they learn Nazis spoke German, and there are still people speaking German today.
All Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV) live somewhere in this triangle. Tank Destroyers live closer to the left face than other AFVs.
Survivor Bias is a hell of a drug. Unfortunately it can’t be shared.
All of this asks the question
The ship was not under thrust during this scene.
The ship is dead in space and not under thrust in this scene, hence the urgency to repair the comm antenna. The scene occurs at about 16:20 in Season 1 Episode 2, The Big empty.
There is really no rational explanation for the wrench flying away other than bad science.
You need to watch more than 5 shows.
His obsessive focus on characters leads to a fundamental misunderstanding of good storytelling. See: Lost, Leftovers, Prometheus, Tomorrowland, World War Z, Cowboys and Aliens, Star Trek Into Darkness.
All productions with terrible to great characters, but the characters are completely divorced from the story.
Based on Matt and Trey’s public comments I think the more likely theory is the show is a Rorschach test.