
I think the victim figured, well, might as well enjoy it while I can, at least until he or I arrive at our stop. Only then will I press charges. Oooo Eeee Ooo Aah Ah.

i dream for there to be a day, that we will not receive a comment on this. one day...

duly noted.

F... ourth!

or, you know, get chrome, install adblock, ghostery, do not track and disconnect add-ons.

WTF, I thought I was the only one that called it Twatter.

He should have opted for the zombie variety. They're all the rave, I hear.

watch out now

Dear, I told you, if you keep making that face, it will stay that way.

Y'know, i had my ps3 crap out last weekend and contemplating on what to do. I was looking to have it fixed, but did not want to deal with that hassle as most fixes were temporary and not fork out any cash to get it repaired properly. I also have an xbox and have enjoyed it immensely, but as I realize I'm having less

Hmm... the gaming section is absent today.

i must know, at what temp? i think i'm crazy enough to try this. how long has it worked since you did this?

i have the original with B/C. i used to play mine for hours every day for the first couple years. lately, it's been seeing less usage (about a few hours a week) either for gaming, netflix, hulu plus or playing videos off of an external hdd.

hmm, i'll try this after work today. thanks for this, i havent come across this tip before. i'll follow up to see if it worked.

wow, this article is pure coincidence. mine just crapped out this past weekend. i was naive to think this would have never affected me, but it has. *sigh* i've checked youtube for tuts, but if i'm to attempt this, i need to purchase the required equipment.

thank you for posting this Kirk. i know ppl will argue that this is just another #firstworldproblem, but when we give up $ and are given a time and date, we expect to use it.

ahahaha, you've put me in a better mood. thank you.

+1. i have been, and still to this day, curse this online requirement to play singleplayer!

...and now the forums are down. lol!

why would we have expected anything less! argh!