
getting the same here. i've had issues all day just installing this thing now to be met with this.

it's quite clear that it's a dildo daggins. midday schlick schlick

can anyone confirm if this "starter pkg" will be available for mac users? i have a friend who's not sure about gettin this if it'll run poorly on his couple-year-old MBP.

laugh out loud. i wanted to spell it out to specify my emotion in reaction to reading your comment.


me too, good sir!

there's dirt in my eye, i swear

WOW, that was perfect. thank you

another rumor: symantec, mcafee and panda are geared up to release an Xbox antivirus client to coincide with the IE release

IKR, but there's money to be made

it may seem evil for me to wish ill will on the next social gaming trend, but i've recognized it as such. upon explanation, i realized it had no sustaining value. i'm sorta disappointed that so many of you kotakuites have even bothered trying this game at all, thus supporting it. without intending to sound smug or

indeed. now, what say you and i come up with the next social gaming fad, have it be consumed by the masses and drop out as soon as we feel it hits it's peek.

that will be the day... heh

i hope they consider going through with an article to see how this would be for an htpc. this would be perfect for a lower power, compact and low-heat solution as i'm really really limited on space.

wow, that took me a good minute. i've never noticed!




this is great and i hope they become ubiquitous one day, but i wonder if they'll be able to detect me splittin lanes. will it swerve away, causing other drivers to unnecessarily react?

agreed. i've been a fan of both franchises since their PC days back in the day. although i see the appeal with GRF, i dont see it lasting, at least for me. i like the classic strategic gameplay they were always known for. i'm hoping for the best with R6