
the air killed the aliens

LMFAO - this is great, both article and nerd-tool. geekcred!

QVC greater than HSN. jus' sayin'

i cannot get over how convincing these character's faces are.

lol poor crecente. don't sweat it. IMO 23-24" is the sweet spot for all things PC.

how dare you... how DARE you offend chalkboards everywhere

ze ears, zey bleed! are parents that naive and desperate? good on the companies for taking advantage on the simple-minded dupes

@lankist: i had never bothered to look into the matter - as many others most likely have, assuming that they were real - and thank you for this information

i think i just broke my nose from face palming so hard. too bad the judge doesn't realize that what he was installing was for the purpose of purchasing or downloading pirated games

not sure if this has been posted, but mafia 2 is 75% off ($7.50) today on steam

fascinating! this looks like it was in long beach as that whale in that circular building in the b/g looks very familiar...

thank you for this! yay! i've been frustrated all day

i fear they may have. not updated since last night. damned shame!

yay... i'll wait til the bugs these patches bring are ironed out with more patches and wait til the bugs these patches bring are ironed out with more patches and then? you guessed it; wait til the bugs these patches bring are ironed out with more patches

@pandafresh: um, yes fucking please. i loved freedom fighters! i remember playin that nonstop the weekend i got it and disappointed it ended :[