
@jujubaoil: Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy. i tube'd the name :D

this looks pretty sweet

@danzor!: buhdum tishhh. nice ;D

no, it's-a not'a normal. it's-a you!

uh, as my comment seems to have disappeared behind the crevices of the broken layout:

i think it all boils down to laziness. there is more skill, patience and know-how to taking shots of some great stuff

in for the nova 2 deal, thanks!

@desolateone: or or :D keep spreadin the word!

@Taggart6: same. i thought i'd give them the benefit of the doubt that the new design would somehow be better, but it's been frustrating to navigate all week. ca.kotaku ftw!

that's quite scary. she hath taken over thou PC! runnnn

for some reason crunchgear's youtube link still works:

adblock and/or flashblock is your friend! not insinuating you're not using it, just helping spread the word

i'm on a horse