
congrats, fahey! i had not known you were having kids

@atfyfe: that's actually a great idea! get some programmers together and start workin on some algorithms. quickly now! before someone else comes up with it

@kw4k: referring to the poke guys. that was just bad. second video was way more watchable

i just facedesk'd through my desk

i hate to be negative nancy, but this is all rendered useless if your SB crashes! this coming for a 3 year jailbroken iphone owner of both the 3G and 4

now, isn't that awfully coincidental. bing has the bridge on their homepage as i type this. hah

@sereal: i agree, but you'd be very surprised by how many others do the same thing. i scold everyone i know IRL every time i discover they're doing this

@crafedog: thanks for this. i had already reset my pw yesterday, but this confirms that my acct was indeed compromised. :/


@kw4k: sad panda is sad :[

@ddmeightball: that's extremely odd. i've deliberated over the same two months ago! i was going to opt for the cooler master once my wallet smiles back at me

do another, jason!