It’s fucking Utah... Another version of religious nuts and GOP voters... what do you expect?
It’s fucking Utah... Another version of religious nuts and GOP voters... what do you expect?
until it breaks three weeks later because basically the quality is not there but kid yourself and say it is... I wish I could live in your fantasy world.. and Yes Lexus is made my Toyota but not at the same plant and with the same materials.. this is a car not ice cream.. but again, lets live in your fantasy world..…
until it breaks three weeks later because basically the quality is not there but kid yourself and say it is... I…
White person alert
Waiting for the Apple assholes Fanboys to comment about mac, etc..
Waiting for the Apple assholes Fanboys to comment about mac, etc..
your’e a republican i see
fuck that cunt
I guess we will hear from that Cunt Mrs Curry
Spoken like a true Republican... and lets make poor kids prostitutes as well because they want to and their own free will..
Who the fuck cares... he is reaping what he sowed....
I bet there all were republican and avoided the $5 not to support Obama future ban on fishing
what a fucking idiot
I doubt it.. people think popularity and money make them god now
most of the white students grew up to become cops
kickout these Trump Repub douchebags
serial slut
Of source all republican pieces of shit that care nothing more than money over people.. what is new...
Who cares about 40 years ago...
Replace padres with GOP and it reads about the same..
Fuck this republican Cunt