
no one misses you... not even your kids, which we haven’t tested with DNA may or may not be yours

everything Android already has... yeah... so impressed... yawn...

and no one cares...

Cough..... Who cares.... Cough... except the fan boys....

queer with huge eyebrows



all I see is queer

all that money your parents paid for college and you write this shit or all the blowjobs you gave for $5 a pop...

we need suckers, I mean honest people to pay for this... Please keep paying...

we need suckers, I mean honest people to pay for this... Please keep paying...

Looks like a trump rally with all the white people and violence

question.... you can download this stuff pretty easy... even in blueray... just saying... but I dont support that.. I support buying hollywoods release of the same shit they did 10 years ago

question.... you can download this stuff pretty easy... even in blueray... just saying... but I dont support that..

people still buy this stuff

people still buy this stuff

Not shocked about Tom Brady - already a cheating piece of shit

go to my facebook page and you will see but I dont want trash stalking me... go back to your foodstamps.. lol

Black Wife Actually Cunt

This thread still alive.. Let’s move on to something else... I starred yours so you will feel good about yourself... feel better now Uncle? You’re special...

I can see why people don’t like your race

I don’t really care, if she earned it, used steroids or sucked a dick.. I don’t think she earned it and I don’t have a drop of respect for her and if that bothers you then Fuck you too. If she died tomorrow, I wouldn’t care less. Whatever to get you to shut the fuck up and stop being racial, if she was white you

-1 Tried to make it sound tough but still a bunch of pussies...