After a week who wants these women who need a waxing and a shower...
After a week who wants these women who need a waxing and a shower...
Why do people like these uneducated redneck child rapist family... girls spread your legs and make babies... sorry your brother already did that for ya... most likely your dad as well.
It’s hooters... fuck these tramps
fat fucking cow
So this is what a whores baby looks like... just like everyone else fucking baby...
I would say he got was he deserved so fuck him... most likely a GOP piece of shit
Glad Peyton won and retired and now fuck Elway
This guy has been passed around more than Kim FatAssdian
Who the fuck cares - 1 & 1 in Super bowls... and will never go again... move on to a new story
You must like shallow... vote Trump please if you think she cunt wrote this..
Fuck this fat attention cunt... Suck a dick and get famous but many idiots follow her
Glad this Irish cocksucker lost.. fuck him
Glad this Irish asshole lost and that Cunt Rousey - UFC turning into WWF
IS Tom Brady that guy that guy that was tackled, sacked, blocked, pissed on and an@l fucked the most in a play off game?
Next Pinola Story - Planes Fucking Fly
I love these crappy stories that I have read here already
Unless Emma is sucking some cock
lets defend her at any cost..