
get over yourself... Everyone hates your group as well..

+1 - Can’t fix stipid - yes I mean to write it that way

Lots of people make uneducated choices and justify it to themselves all the times but you really don’t have a choice. One party hates black people and black people don’t help themselves by not voting but another Clinton...

Why Black people support the Clintons is beyond me except Bill would fuck anyone

Good Gawd this is not even close to being new... slow news day

If it was anyone else I would care but this built her fame and fortune and now she is whining... Fuck this cunt


Thieves stealing from thugs and wife beaters.. who cares

goat or hillary clinton? I choose GOAT

just like supporting soldiers is pro supporting murdering people but that ok... STFU

go to flyertalk for this story... slow news day

Thought you call them niggers

There will never be an over hyped woman who get crushed when she fights a good fighter.. sure they will be.. happens all the time..

Why not her instead of fucking HILLARY


Who gives a fuck... whore that fat whore wife out and earn a few bucks

Hell - I have to use a word that all the fairy tale believers understand.. you know the same fucking idiots that say stop abortion because it’s murder but cheer capital punishment..

Piece of shit left the earth.. good fucking riddence

I guess your like Ted Cruz and didnt read.. not about opinion but about his decisions based on his fucking bible religion.. fuck this piece of shit and hope he is ass raped in hell..