
Lets focus on the story and not do a new story... and second no one gives a fuck

I waiting for the GOP to make the piece of shit Scalia a saint

At least I don’t have to see that superman shit for a year.. Just overhyped cry baby and I love to see all the bandwaggers quiet now.

Classless piece of shit...

I am a lifelong Democrat and always have been but I wont vote for Hillary.. I will stay home

anyone care...... anyone....

Fuck this POS - he can do bench presses in the front yard - now a nobody

More stories about Cam newton being god, etc, etc, etc The Black Jesus of Football... Ill avoid it..

Sounds like the GOP plan for the blacks, give them drugs to perform and win medals... you know like Cam newton

Ted Cruz Running mate!!!!!


I wish someone would take him out

Do you expect anything else from a GOP hick state?

Another example of GOP lead state... Fuck the GOP

Scary thing this is how our shitty cops are now

Fuck Windows 10

India is just a 5th world shit hole...

Better title: Truck full of Trump Supporters Threaten Black bikers

I live in this shithole

any educated person would know but i’m not here to educuate idiots who live in the USA so be a dumb ass american and vote trump redneck