
Deadspin is so white...

started funny until you turned into a dick

Gawd Americans are so ignorant

Another stupid fucking American

I have been sending here dick pics the last 12 hours from my 20 twitter accounts... Enjoy cunt

I’m so offended... please look at my tits.. Please.. I need attention

we sucked Starwars dick and replaced it with the panthers dick and now 100 stories about the panthers

Jesus - Can you get your head out of Cams ass now?

No Matter what Cam will still be black...

Fuck the jets but triple fuck the patriots...

a loss is a loss so who the fuck cares... NE is sitting at home.. so fuck them cheating pricks.

what a piece of shit

most people in Nashville are retarded and most likely didn’t understand her

what the white door and other door?

Fanboy alert... the band wagon just pulled away

Better than Pittsburgh sitting at home on their asses next weekend

wouldn’t surprise me Nike paid to have the penis sisters win matches

I call BS because it is a everything is great story... aww such a wonderful place we live... I heart you.. unless you live in michigan or or places where fracking killed your fresh water

Pat Allen - Paid Rep for water Industry

If you come to Lifehacker for help advice you have other issues.