Kenny Hensley

He didn’t tell ANYONE to self medicate.  And repeating that lie over and over doesn’t make it true.

His cult listens to him like he’s a god emperor. He has a responsibility to the people to not peddle snake oil/unproven treatments that people will take to heart. 

Except NO ONE told anyone to take ANYTHING...but it’s way more fun to make this a political thing, right?

Quit making this all political - A combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Axithromyicin is showing to be VERY effective at treating COVID-19.
Learn the facts and quit jumping on every opportunity to say stupid things akin to “DONALD TRUMP IS KILLING EVERYBODY”.

If the Enterprise does show up, I’m hoping it’ll be the Enterprise-F.

The underemployed literature masters student who introduced the word “trope” to the internet has a lot to answer for.

“...so they had a Borg LAN party instead of playing online..”

(I hope that I’m quoting this correctly)

It’s not “thirdhand smoke” and they need to stop with this bullshit hyperbole. Just call it what it is: exposure to chemical residue. I’ve kicked cigs to the curb, so this isn’t in any way a defense of them. But, this shit reminds me of those “Truth.org” ads they show on TV lying about e-cigs being used for vaping

Ehh... I’d rather see the Kelvin-Trek in the garbage bin of history than anywhere. It wasn’t good Star Trek; there weren’t even well-put-together stories. The only thing JJ Abrams did well was putting the supporting cast together.

That poster. Looking for Iron Man... seeing a lot of Megaforce.

This. Also, as a youngster in terms of being a Trekkie/Trekker, and having grown up loving Voyager’s balance between cheese and drama, and then TOS’s straight up cheese with a strong helping of drama and cool ethical/moral stories, I feel like that avoidance of drama was because the stories were ultimately about

The author does NOT want our input on copy, but they desperately NEED our input on copy. ‘Blogs and viral news sites are thick all around us. Only one thing separates G/O Media from the majority of those, and it’s the sense of community and participation. If they want to survive, they’ll find ways to improve both the

Now playing

The operative question to always ask yourself when you ask “What would Gene want” is what era of Star Trek we’re talking about. Had we been talking about TOS as TOS was being made, nothing they’re doing here would be out of place with “what Gene wanted.”

I’m currently rewatching TNG I can tell you that Starfleet really isn’t all that different back then compared to Picard. In TNG Picard had the muscle of the Enterprise and his crew to solve the problem while telling Starfleet to f-off with their orders, they produced results so they could get away with it. In Picard

But I was grateful to be apart of reintroducing fans to Seven, particularly their mini-scene

And the way Seven goes from her previously structured and clipped way of saying “humanity” to the more loose, more human-like “Every damn day,”

Science Fiction is already setting aside nearly all pretense of realism.

I love that the Voyager theme starts to kick in at the end, really well done.

I agree that things need to change. I think the point is, instead of bitching about how bad things are, stop complaining and do something. When we couldn't find jobs, we made them. We didn't complain, give up, or cry, we sold shit out of our garages until we had full blown businesses and hired our friends etc.