Kenny Hensley

I mean, they’ve gotta focus on Batman and Superman/girl because the more they center Ezra Miller the more people are gonna wonder why Ezra Miller still has a job given everything going on at the moment.

I’m mostly concerned, though, that it’s suddenly being described as though it would effectively be “Star Trek’s Greatest Hits” rather than allowing this new crew to have their own adventures.

I think Strange New Worlds has done a great job using nostalgia without pandering, something that most nuTrek fails to do.

Here’s hoping there’s a cut scene where Enterprise D is getting ready to fire on the Borg cube core, everyone is very tense, Beverly is devastated over potentially killing Jack. Then Wesley appears and says “Don’t worry mom, you’ll always have me.” To which everyone else responds in tandem “Shut up Wesley!” and he

Y’know, I’d rather live in the Borg Co-op than under a Cardassian HOA. 

What I loved about him standing in their way though was how well-grounded it was. They kept pushing back against audience expectations, which was to either make him a pushover that just folds when Picard walks onto his ship, or an unreasonable hardass who’s driven by ego and refuses to listen to anyone else. But

I liked that through 3 seasons they hired a bunch of young pretty people, but the real eye candy and stars of most of the action scenes were women in their 50's.

Yes! Give me the dipshit from Chicago! 

Worf: “I’ll make it a threesome.”

I’m just going to say it. Five episodes in, and this is the best live action Star Trek series we’ve had since DS9. And all it took was making a Star Trek show... that actually behaves like Star Trek.

I just hope and pray that whatever Paramount execs greenlit the series realize that Strange New Worlds is their new

I will be very disappointed if I find out the title of this episode isn’t a reference to my favorite Looney Tunes cartoon, Duck Amuck.

I can’t be the only one that thought of this right?

omg, just that passing glimpse of Mr. Hooper brought IMMEDIATE tears to my eyes. i’m gonna see this, for sure, but i’m also going to cry all through it. i’m one of the original Sesame Street generation... that show (along with Mr. Rogers) impacted me in a huge way for the almost decade i watched it.

Its because they focus so much on her. Its not like the other ST shows where it was an ensemble cast.

Age Of Ultron actually gets BETTEr with subsequent viewings. And I personally liked it at first viewing. the scene with the team trying to lift Thor’s hammer....and how it came back to matter in the climax of Endgame is just lovely. And of course AOU means so much more in the afterglow of WandaVision.

Anything having anything positive to say about Linda Cardellini immediately gets my star.

The problem with the DC stuff I don’t think is director or anything like that, it’s the studio. There was Man Of Steel, which was not superman frankly, but that’s beside the point. That was the only thing that existed at the time for DC. Nolan’s Batman was over and done and they had done just this.

Comments: “We agree that Whedon’s a chauvinistic prick who should never work again, but Justice League was gonna suck no matter what.”
You: “These people hate women.”
What the hell?

My husband and I have been re-watching all of the MCU movies since WandaVision came out and holy cow it has been really neat now knowing what we know to look back and see all of the dots connect in a way that we totally missed the first (or second) time around.

I still unabashedly love Age of Ultron despite its issues (and the spectre that is Joss Whedon). It still feels like the most “Avengers-y” of all the Avengers movies to me.